I don't think so, no. At least nothing I've noticed, but they're also not being any better than any other gacha game, either.
looking into buying a firearm
For everyone thinking that: look into taking classes on how to shoot the thing BEFORE you buy it.
It's a lot harder than you might expect, and a gun does you no good if you cannot put two center mass if you ever have to use it.
To self-host, you do not need to know how to code.
I agree but also say that learning enough to be able to write simple bash scripts is maybe required.
There's always going to be stuff you want to automate and knowing enough bash to bang out a script that does what you want that you can drop into cron or systemd timers is probably a useful time investment.
There's almost never only a single option to offer me what I'm after, so I'll just go back to my search results or whatever and pick the next link and move on.
There's no way in hell I'm giving some jackasses my phone number, though. I don't even like giving people who really actually need to be able to call me my number, so why would I give some sketchy-ass website it?
Beep, when the beep beep beep.
And millions of children cried out for their waifus.
(This is good: I play and enjoy Genshin but they're using every single psychological trick to get you to spend money to gamble and that kind of shameless shit shouldn't be put in front of children who don't have sufficient experience and developmental time to not get totally taken.)
I pirate everything, but am very very reluctant to do so with software or games.
I only pirate in cases where the company involved is just too gross to support (looking at you, Adobe), or if there's absolutely no other option.
But I consider pirated software and games absolutely suspect 100% of the time, because I'm old enough to remember when every keygen was also a keylogger, and every crack was also a rootkit and touching any pirated software was going to give you computer herpes without fail.
So maybe it's not that bad anymore, but I mean, do you fully trust in the morals of someone who would spend the time helping you steal someone else's shit to not add just one more little thing to it for themselves?
loops, whatever the hell that is
FediverseTok, which I expect to get a lot more popular in the US pretty soon.
Yeah, no shit.
You present two choices: 65fps with DLSS, or 28 FPS without it, then yes, 80% of people will no-shit-sherlock pick the higher number.
Seriously. Id sub immediately.
They won't, of course, because that'd cost them too much money.
But, still, it's a nice thought.
It's pretty much the same thing yeah: you find something you're somewhat interested in, and then The Algorithm will shove increasingly aggressive content at you and hey presto, you've fallen down the rage-bait circlejerk hole for whatever side you were already somewhat aligned with.
I'm old enough to remember when you could have friends with different political opinions and it never went past 'oh, cool, well i don't agree but whatever'. That's 100% not a thing anymore, because everyone on both sides of any issue have been completely radicalized.
The right are Nazis, and the left are raping children, and that's where the discussion starts now, and thus you have... the mess we have now.
I don't know what the solution is, other than literal deprogramming, since that's almost exactly how a cult works: the cult leader affirms what you already think, tells you that you're special, and then makes sure no voices of dissent are heard.
You know, like social media's algorithms do in the name of "engagement".
Well I have a new project for the weekend.