
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 1 day ago

And after that we of course managed to find the good ending as well. All in all this was good game. It shows that it’s Stefan‘s third game and it’s arguably his best so far. It felt a bit short, but was motivating and very atmospheric all the time. I personally would have loved a bit of a larger map without purely decorative rooms, and maybe even a sort of progression where you move from one setting to another, but I guess the game works as it is. Two thumbs up! 👍

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Next up we actually reached the neutral ending. I won‘t spoil the steps how to get there, but it should be rather obvious after you managed the bad ending. Quite intriguing…
#interactivefiction #blackwoodmanor

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

A little teaser about what the video is all about.
#midi #Roland #MT32 #commodore #amiga500


New video for Patrons:

What if the Amiga sounded better?

#retrocomputing #retrogaming #commodore #amiga

[–] 1 points 6 days ago (2 children)

I will skip the last steps to not spoil too much. But we managed to finish the game. With the bad ending!
Oops. We will try again later to figure out the good ending!

[–] 1 points 6 days ago (3 children)

Okay, we were a bit dense: the blood can be wiped up after cutting oneself a bit.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Back in the crypt we quickly find the secret tunnel that leads to the dungeon where the boy is kept. A line of salt keeps him from leaving. We collect the salt and the boy is free. Now we only need to collect all items for the ritual.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (5 children)

We go back to the manor to look for the boy. In the chapel we meet Rosie and Cora. Rosie has an idea what we are up to and begs to take Cora with her, as she thinks we might turn on her. In this scenario we will agree to this. I bet that this is one of the forms that leads to a different ending…

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (6 children)

The ghost talks to us. Her name is Ysabella. It seems she is waiting for her son, who seems to be locked up in Blackwood Manor. She wants us to collect a bunch of things for a ritual: some bread, candles, linen and a drop of blood.
Let’s see if we can find the boy and the items…
#interactivefiction #blackwoodmanor


There is hardly a controller that screams so much SciFi and also retro at the same time as the Atari Pro Line joysticks.
#atari #atari7800 #retrogaming

[–] 1 points 1 week ago Amiga 500s are relatively easy to repair. Quite a bit more complicated than a C64 but still very well documented. You will fix it for sure!

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children) Well, who knows... I might have something in my video pipeline...

[–] 2 points 1 week ago Q14... saw that. Didn't know you meant it as a joke...

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (4 children) And I say the Amiga with an MT-32 would also have been okay! And sounded much better than Paula! 😄


This is THE sound of 1980s computer games, or in this case mid 1992…
#retrogaming #roland #mt32 #lapci


There seems to be a WIP project to port Larry 1 to the C64. The AGI engine by Sierra famously never supported the C64, contrary to the early Lucas SCUMM games. The author describes the challenges of porting AGI games:

#retrogaming #commodore #c64 #sierraonline


What‘s your favorite Sierra game from the 80s to early 90s? I think for me it’s probably Space Quest III. It‘s a very short game, and not a great game, but I have a lots of nostalgia for it.
#retrogaming #sierraonline


Blockout was one of the first games I played in the PC, a 286 back then. California Dreams didn’t make many games, and this one stood out due to its high res EGA graphics.
#msdos #retrogaming

The game‘s box but for the Amiga. Many 3D Tetris shapes are stacked on top of each other, with hands clinging to one of them, suggesting the player being overwhelmed.


Interplay‘s Lord of the Rings was the first big box game I bought from my own money. It was on sale at the local Karstadt mall. I never completed the game, but loved it so much! What was your first game, bought with your own money?
#retrogaming #interplay


Pushing up Roses did a nice review of the Crimson Diamond. If the game had come out for old platforms I‘d definitely have bought it, but as it stands I have so much games still to play, I just skip on the modern platforms. :)
#retrogaming #crimsondiamond #adventuregames


Inviyya is a beautiful but incredibly frustrating and hard game. You have to memorize every level. That’s something some people like. But I hate it. Every small mistake gets punished brutally. You lose all your power ups and can basically start again from scratch.
Technically it’s a brilliantly coded game though.
#commodore #amiga500 #retrogaming #inviyya


Next up is‘s great new game Blackwood Manor. We play this on the #commodore #c16.
#retrogaming #interactivefiction


New food for the 2600: QYX by ChampGames.
#atari #atari2600 #qix #retrogaming

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