
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

My friend tried really hard to get into it, he only plays single player games and loves RPGs. He rage quit 10 hours in because of the constant immersion breaking and frustrations. Like he'd want to handle a quest in a way that suited his play style and the game would be like "No! You do it our way!".

The quest that broke it for him was the earth ship. He accepted the quest and planned to fly up there and shoot it with his ship, nope invulnerable. That annoyed him. He boards it and finds out about detonating the reactor but needs a key for the computer. Scours the ship for the key and can't find it. Decides to kill everyone on board, turns out there are a large number of NPCs on the ship that are unkillable, one of which likely has the key. He gave up and quit.

The game forces you to do everything the single way it wants you to. Try to do it differently? Invulnerable NPCs, inaccessible locations, unspawned NPCs, potential to bug your save, etc.

This isn't even mentioning how boring the quest writing is, how ugly the game generally looks when compared to modern titles or even older ones, how often immersion is broken by constant loading screens or stupid menu systems.

I'm pretty sure anyone who believes they enjoy the game would likely enjoy most other games even more so at a cheaper price.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

The Bethesda response came at the end.

You also forgot the "Performance isn't the best"

Followed by, Todd: "Maybe you need to upgrade your computer?"

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

A dumpster fire you threw your cash into when you bought it?