That's a great habit, apparently we should get early morning sunlight in order to increase early-day cortisol release and regulate your circadian clock.
What are some of your favourites so far?
These pantry moths are fucking with my karma smh. I'm never gonna escape the cycle of saṃsāra at this rate
Hell yeah, I'm glad to hear that you're already back on the horse so quickly. Good luck with your sobriety and keep us posted in the thread about your progress!
Btw I recommend writing a journal, it's good when you are trying to figure out what is triggering your behavior. If you get a craving, you can write down where you were, what you were doing, how you feel, what you were thinking about and so on. Eventually you start noticing patterns and then you can predict what situation triggers a craving in order to avoid it.
Getting stunlocked in the grocery store because there's too many different types of fruit
This week I went jogging for 2km every day from Monday to Thursday. I do it in the morning during my work break. I think it's a good way to start the day. I'd like to make it a permanent habit and go at least 2 or 3 times per week.
roll call
If anybody else wants to be added to the roll call, just let me know
Rest in Power
Hell yeah that's cool! The best podcast in the world (Guys, a podcast about guys) has a fun episode on 40k guys that you might enjoy
Welcome to the based department, we're happy to have you!