The roles are not reversed, though (quite the opposite), so no need to worry about that:
And they are seriously wondering why people loose faith in democracy / politicians 💩
Yeah, that sounds like the age old "why so many desktops (or other apps)" debate. Because we can. Because doing new things is fun. Because this isn't all about being effective and capitalist logic.
Ohh, that looks cool! Thanks!
Nö, lieber so wie die Bahn letztens, die erst diverse Leute entlassen und dann der Spitze die Boni erhöht hat. Weil sie's können. Fuck Capitalism.
Hast du mal QuickDic (gibt's bei F-Droid) ausprobiert? Ich bin voll zufrieden (aber auch nicht sehranspruchsvolle).
You have checked Krita? I'm not doing much so it's more than enough for me.
It's not open source if the training data isn't.
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