If you ride MARTA buses regularly, I'm slowly trying to get a UX put together that's usable at https://martalith.fly.dev. Things like:
- "I get on the same buses every day (at 2-3 stops) and just want to see my bus situation clearly/quickly"
- "I transfer at X station regularly and want to know the status of Y/Z routes for that station"
I've tried to build this in the past, and the bus data either confused me or didn't seem usable. But MARTA recently added realtime bus positions + trip update endpoints, and early tests are looking more positive! When I can find an excuse to ride buses, I'm testing things out, but it's slow-going.
I try to remember to put updates here when things change https://fosstodon.org/@jakswa
They have changed the station signs as well! They added little "signal" icons on the longstanding "realtime" entries, the non-scheduled ones. So if it's an undecorated entry on the station signs, my impression now is that it's a scheduled/future trip. I was excited that they made the same data available in the API!
I chose to de-emphasize the newly added data (which is valuable, but imo less valuable than the longstanding data if it's present). So I'm fading things out and marking scheduled entries, rather than changing the data that has always existed.