So you made it up? Cause I was looking on Memory Alpha and going through season 7.
Hang on, nurses don’t wear the coat.
Will this get the GOP to finally support gun bans?
So would 1984 (which I have read) and maybe Fahrenheit 451 (which I have not read) be banned?
How to speed run your entire user base into hating you.
Damnit Abed. Do not roll the dice.
It’s as if one major atrocity against a whole religious group gives the world free rein to ignore their actions. Just because a group is targeted for genocide does not mean they themself cannot do anything morally wrong.
What even is the “Deep State” at this point?
Hmm… doesn’t specifically basing any laws on a universally recognized organized religion by definition a violation of Church and State? Doesn’t explicitly stating a religious totem qualify as favoring one religion over others? Doesn’t this also violate the Lemon Test since it in no way can be seen as secular in nature to put religious text in any form inside a classroom that is funded by the state? Seems they wrote themselves the reason to strike down the law into the law itself.