
joined 11 months ago
[–] emeybee@alien.top 1 points 9 months ago

Likewise I did like 5 of the temples, realized they were all the same stupid "puzzle" and used a console command for the rest.

[–] emeybee@alien.top 1 points 9 months ago

but don't let the internet make your mind up for you in either direction.

That's a pretty shitty thing to say. No one here is saying if you enjoy the game you're a Bethesda sheep or a Todd sycophant. People are allowed to dislike a game that you like, it doesn't mean they're just mindlessly following the crowd.

Personally I was hyped for it. I played it from day 1 without looking at reviews. I even bought the stupid controller that has since broken. I was bored for the first 15ish hours of the game, it got a little better for the next 20ish hours, and then I got bored again. It just became a chore and the flaws got harder and harder to overlook. Eventually I gave up, came on Reddit, and saw that most people agreed. No one told me what to think.

You enjoy Starfield? Great, keep playing. If you don't want to hear the criticism, fine, ignore it. There's a whole no sodium sub you can join. But don't dismiss and insult a huge swath of people just because they don't agree with your opinion.

In any case, I hope you do love it, because you're most likely getting more of the same with ES6.

[–] emeybee@alien.top 1 points 9 months ago

There were even aliens in Fallout lol. But space? Nah.

[–] emeybee@alien.top 1 points 9 months ago

that up would be like Bioware screwing up Mass Effect, can you imagine?

Nope, can't imagine. That's why I'm so excited for the new ME game to come out after 11 years with no new Mass Effect games.

[–] emeybee@alien.top 1 points 9 months ago

I don't they'll care much what Sony has to say. They're owned by Microsoft.

[–] emeybee@alien.top 1 points 9 months ago

I honestly don't think they put that much thought into the "vision". I think they either ran out of time or just didn't care and then slapped a "vision" on to try to make the emptiness make sense.

[–] emeybee@alien.top 1 points 9 months ago

I bought the controller because I thought it was cool looking. It already broke.