Yeah, well you guys need to aim better.
Interestingly my instant seems to cache the original photo. If I go on the website it's a different image he still looks like prick though.
You only need Speedos if you're going to France. They have a weird thing about Speedos
I'm pretty sure that's just how Barcelona operates.
I'm sure if there was actual worthy news this wouldn't be reported on however there is obviously nothing else happening so clearly we need to talk about this instead.
You could always go over to the tanke side of Lemmy
Ever heard of Sierra Leone?
Standard for police is to use the NATO phonetic alphabet simply because it's what everybody uses and it avoids confusion rather than it necessarily been the best system.
For example prior to the NATO phonetic alphabet the UK military used to have their own, so perhaps that's where they got it from?
I think it was
Can't remember what D was.
It's useful when you're talking to somebody on a bad line who doesn't really understand English all that well. Such as when you're trying to cancel your ISP, because they are always in India.
I don't know though you've got to consider your target audience and their income method. The income method for the target audience of pokemon games is asking their parents.
I once said Sierra and the guy wrote the letter C, because apparently he might be a physicist, but he was also an idiot
Oh yes for the totally unproblematic picture taken at the inauguration, and since it's so unproblematic he can't possibly have an issue with it being posted.
Although a solid second favorite is him in a punk leather jacket. Mostly because he hates it.