The irony of that comment is amazing. Literally no one mentioned her physical appearance, you were the one that looked at her rather than the rest of the image, which 100% contains context.
You missed out the important bit.
You need to make sure you film yourself doing this and then post it on social media to an account linked to your real identity.
There is absolutely nothing that is too stupid for republicans.
If the US had an actually functional political system they wouldn't get anywhere near power. They're all crazy and they don't care about anything that actually matters to people. But because there's only two parties they just go "biden bad" and everyone votes for them.
If all he with his remaining term is just randomly rename stuff, I think we will consider ourselves to have gotten off lightly.
Yes but thry changed their own name, not the name of some other bit of the world that isn't anything to do with them.
They're not required to change it. All the law does is officially change the name for official government purposes it doesn't require everyone in the US to start calling it that.
Nobody calls it that though. No one who is actually left-wing thought that calling them blacklist / white list was offensive.
I'm trying to work out who this is for. Presumably his fan club will approve, but I don't think it was something that even they were particularly asking for.
Wanting to hurt Nazis is a pretty low bar for entry.
Yeah that's what zombies are for. It's why they're popular.
You've got no romance in your soul, you've got to woo her first by doing a couples activity. Also it's good cardio.
They just understand that Nazis are not good for business.