
joined 3 years ago
[–] 99 points 3 weeks ago (9 children)

Hasan attended the DNC as a news reporter, not as a supporter of the Democratic Party. Left leaning news outlets such as Democracy Now (Amy Goodman) and Drop Site News (Ryan Grim and Jeremy Scahill) were also at the DNC. Even right wing outlets like Fox News and Newsmax were at the DNC. Even cranks like Charlie Kirk and Mike Lindell were allowed into the DNC.

Hasan also interviewed the representatives of the Uncommitted Movement outside of the DNC on the same day as being kicked out and marched with the Pro-Palestinian protests 2 days before.

He was critical of Kamala the entire 3 days that he was at the DNC. There were many people who asked him if he would support Kamala and he told them that he was waiting for her to show a change in the US policy towards Israel/Gaza before he was willing to show any support for her campaign. I think he might have told people to support Kamala if she had stopped weapon shipments to Israel and forced Israel to do an actual ceasefire. He also has said that he wanted her to have a different border policy than Biden. Kamala's border policy is very bad.

Hasan was being interviewed by a journalist from the New York Times when he was kicked out. The DNC had given him a private room to stream. Around this same time, Hasan tweeted that the DNC was doing hasbara. Some person walked in and said they were revoking his access to the room and they did not offer him any other similar space to stream. He canceled the interview with Shawn Fain of the UAW and went back to his hotel room.

At his hotel room, after being kicked out from the DNC, he reacted to Kamala's speech and said that he now believes there is no chance Kamala will change her policy towards Israel/Gaza. A few reasons cited were that the DNC did not allow any Palestinians to speak, Kamala said she wanted America to have the most lethal military in the world in her speech, and because they kicked him out for criticizing Israel.

[–] 30 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I think Debian has the best principles out of any distro. Debian follows a list of principles called Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG). You can read the principles and see if you like it.

The thing that I like the most about Debian is that the proprietary packages and FOSS packages are on different repositories. You can install Debian with no proprietary software and leave the proprietary repository disabled to have a completely FOSS system.

[–] 88 points 1 month ago (7 children)

I read the comments. The OP says she asked her mother about the bean jar after making the thread. The mother said that whenever her and the father had sex they would place 1 bean into a mason jar to count the number of times they had sex.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

This is an article written by Jeremy which corresponds with the video.

[–] 10 points 1 month ago (5 children)

He has a cameo at the end of this music video.

[–] 13 points 1 month ago

You can see that Hasan donated $50k of his own money to Palestine. This is only one of the charities that he did for Palestine but there was at least one more. Hasan doesn't have enough money to just give $1 million to Palestine by himself. Hasan and Bill Gates receive money in fundamentally different ways. Hasan gets payed by amazon for talking to a camera.

Bill Gates gets payed money for owning software that he didn't even write. Also one of the reasons that Bill Gates became so rich was that he was able to exploit software copyright before anyone else. Many people don't know that software was not considered protected by copyright before 1974. In 1975, Bill Gates payed his college room Monte Davidoff to develop a computer program called Altair BASIC. Bill Gates then licensed Altair BASIC to a company called MITS for royalties on every sale up to $180,000. In 1976, Bill Gates wrote "Open Letter to Hobbyists" which a published in many magazines and he complained that all software should be payed for and nobody should have software freely. Bill Gates collects money purely by owning property and paying people to wages to make software for him to own. Bill Gates has had a more negative impact on the progression of computer software technology than maybe anyone in history.

Hasan gets payed money by amazon for talking to a camera. Hasan does the opposite of Bill Gates. You can search for hasanabi on youtube and find over 50 channels which upload clips from his stream. This is because Hasan allows random people to share his clips and even collect money from his clips. There are dozens of other people who collect money by editing and sharing Hasan's stream clips. There have even been times when youtube tried to de-monetise the fan channels and Hasan negotiated with youtube so that the fan channel could still collect money for themselves.

[–] 17 points 1 month ago (1 children)

He told his viewers to vote for Kamala. I saw the clip. You type way too much shit, I’m not reading all that about a steamer. Condense your ideas

Show the clip. I type a lot because I am annoyed by people who intentionally misinterpret me so I try to be very detailed.

Right here from just a few days ago he said that he would need to see Kamala change the policy on Israel in order to tell people to support her. This was also before she released her new "stronger border" campaign policy, which makes her even worse. He has said a lot more against Kamala on twitch but it doesn't make it to youtube.

[–] 22 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (12 children)

That's not true. He hasn't endorsed Kamala. Before Biden dropped out he was doing Kamala memes but that is similar to the "Dark Brandon". Even Hexbear was doing Dark Brandon and coconut memes before democrats co-opted them and made them "in support" of the Democrats instead of against. Some of his videos show him analyzing Kamala's chance to win but that doesn't mean he supports the outcome. He also does analysis of republicans chance to win and makes suggestions for how they could be more likely win. That doesn't mean that he supports Kamala or Republicans. He has said that he won't support Kamala because of her support of Israel and because of her right wing border policy.

He also doesn't support the Ukraine nazis. He's done coverage of the Azov battalion plenty of times. He might lean into support Ukraine, but not in the NATO guy way. Hasan is anti-NATO. He also did coverage about how Russia definitely didn't blow the Nordstrom pipeline. I don't think he really supports either side but he tries to do a framing of like Ukraine being the smaller country. There's lots of liberals who also call Hasan a Russia supporter. You call him a Ukraine supporter. So people interpret his analysis in both ways and I think it doesn't really matter. If his analysis is bad on this one thing, nobody is perfect. You or I don't have to agree with him on every single thing.

[–] 29 points 1 month ago (19 children)

The top row is all MAGA communist guy and the bottom row has 3 obsessive debaters and Hasan?

atlantic-council Even the hexbear emotes provide us with photographic evidence that Hasan is not like the others. They collaborate with each other but Hasan has no relation to them.

Hasan used to stream with Destiny back in 2019. They had collaboration streams with Hasan, Destiny, and Andy Milonakis of the Andy Milonakis show on MTV. This was before Hasan was a big streamer and before he quit TYT, I believe. Destiny hadn't been banned from twitch yet. In 2019, Destiny used to be a game streamer and he presented himself as a centrist type guy who was interested in learning about leftist politics. The implication of the co-streams was that Hasan was going to teach Destiny about leftism. I remember seeing video of the 3 of them and Hasan trying to explain Marxism to Destiny. Not long after, Destiny did a full back stab and accused Hasan of calling his black friends the nword in private. Hasan responds by calling Destiny a "weasley little liar" and that's where this emote comes from. hasan-smash Destiny has been making up lies and drama about Hasan since 2019.

Vaush was banned from twitch in 2018 or 2019. The reason that he was banned from twitch was that he had said that the US military should invade Israel to protect Palestinians. He might have also said the US should nuke Israel, I'm not 100% sure on my memory. It's weird that Vaush thought that the US foreign policy would protect Palestinians but also surprising that Vaush claims to support Palestine. Since Vaush was banned from twitch so early, Hasan never really interacted much. Though, Hasan has always distanced himself from Vaush, particularly because Vaush has such fervent support for American foreign policy and for the Democratic party.

Keffals is a friend of Vaush. Hasan has intentionally avoided talking to or about Keffals for years. I think he knew something was weird about her politics. He reluctantly talked about her in 2022 (I think) when Keffals was being harassed by k*wifarms. After that, Keffals has done a "why I left the left" bit and claimed that Marxism is a cult, among other things.

Hinkle is probably a fed. There are chat logs in Hasan's twitch chat which shows him being supportive of Hasan. This was before Hinkle made the MAGA communism turn and before he appeared on Tucker Carlson.

On this list of people, Hasan is the only one who has had consistent analysis. Everyone else there is a flip flopper. The accusation that Hasan is liberal or a grifter is completely baseless. A grifter is someone who promotes opinions that they don't believe for money. He has been saying that same things for like 10 years now, so that would indicate that he's not doing it for the money because he was doing it before it was making money. Hasan also continued to do news coverage in support of Palestine after October 7 and raised over a million dollars for Gaza aid, which caused his average audience to shrink by 1/3 in size, which indicates that he's consistent on his views even when it loses money. Also he's never promised or claimed to be a leader of Leftism, he's just a guy who reports the news and tells his audience to form unions and do their own political actions, such as the campus encampments in California which he attended himself and interviewed people from the encampments more than once. Also Hasan doesn't invest in wealth or hire employees because he doesn't want to be called a capitalist. His merch is union made. His youtube editors get all of the youtube revenue. He doesn't even do TTS donations on twitch anymore. He gets payed by amazon for his news reporting and amazon forces him to show ads or optionally you can pay $6 to not see the ads. Or you can just block the ads and he used to say that on stream but now the amazon contracts say that he can't say that. Hasan also has direct contact with journalists from news websites and regularly has them interviewed on stream. Hasan is also friends with all of hexbears favorites: Boyboy and Ididathing, Felix and Will from chapo, Brace from trueanon, Second thought and Yugopnik from The Deprogram, etc. He's consistent with his analysis, he has connections to journalists, and he doesn't invest the money he's payed into capital. What exactly is the grift? He promotes Marxist analysis, he reports the news, and he gets payed for showing ads. If you expected Hasan to be Lenin, then you're the fool. Hasan is just a news reporter who also support Marxism and that's not a grift or liberalism.

[–] 75 points 1 month ago (17 children)

Tagging these users because they said that the strike threat would fail and Disney would just fire all the workers.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I don't think you're quite getting it. You're trying to rationalize their language with your own framework but they don't operate on your framework. I'm not being hyperbolic when I use the phrase "abolish". That is the word that they used, not me. They are against Shawn Fain, yes, but they're also against the concept of labor unions in general. The trotskyist guy who ran against Shawn Fain ran with "Abolish the UAW" as his core #1 campaign promise and was shocked when he lost. They want to abolish all labor unions, not just the UAW. The SEP are acting as obstructionists to labor organizing.

[–] 9 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

Do you think they just fell from the coconut tree and declared this an eternal law?

No I think it's a incorrect analysis to conclude that all labor unions are collaborating with capitalism based on one example, when labor unions have largely been a force which has fought against capitalism. I think you're foolish for trying to defend them. They do partcipate in labor unions and they try to abolish the unions from within. The WSWS was promoting a Trotskyist guy who was trying to abolish the UAW.


this is probably the biggest path of exile expansion ever


Pictured are John Fetterman, Kirsten Sinema, and Joe Manchin applauding a war criminal.


Video was originally released November 2022 but relevant now again because Peter Thiel is a funder for JD Vance.


Whether Second Hand of DPRK-U.S. Confrontation Stops or Not Depends on U.S. Act: KCNA Commentary

Pyongyang, July 23 (KCNA) -- The U.S. is running high fever in its move to expand the overall structure of confrontation against the DPRK.

According to the data released on July 21, more than ten FA-18 Super Hornets belonging to an attack squadron of the U.S. marines, named Fighting Bengals, were recently deployed in the Suwon Air Force Base in Kyonggi Province of the ROK.

The U.S. Defense Department said that it is aimed at providing the experience in operation in the Indo-Pacific region, adding that these fighters are training to increase their preparedness and the power of fatal blow with its ally.

And as if threatening someone, it opened to the public the several FA-18 Super Hornets taking off.

It is said that these fighters will stay in the ROK in and after August for different joint exercises.

It is known to the world that FA-18 Super Hornet is the one for special warfare which has its mission to hit the major bases and the "war command" of the other party with JDAM and other precision guided bombs in the way of "high-density strike".

The ROK military side, encouraged by the bluffing of its master, said that "as the powerful air forces of the U.S. marines are permanently deployed in fact, the effect of increasing the deterrence against the north is also expected".

This being a hard reality, a few days ago, the U.S. made a spokesperson for the Department of State, the U.S. ambassador to the ROK and others let loose a spate of rhetoric about dialogue, saying that the U.S. policy toward the DPRK including dialogue remains unchanged and the door of negotiations with the DPRK is still opened.

The confrontation maniacs, suffering from the endemic like the "hostility toward the DPRK", are talking about honeyed dialogue. This is prompted by the ulterior intention to easily realize their ambition for stifling the DPRK by leading it to mental and psychological slackness.

Dialogue with sinister attempt and such dialogue as an extension of confrontation are needless to be held from the outset.

Through the decades-long relations with the U.S., the DPRK has keenly and fully felt what the dialogue brought to it and what it lost.

Watching the whole course of the DPRK-U.S. dialogue, the fair international community has already come to a conclusion that the U.S. is a perfidious country which does not fulfill its promises, saying this or that.

The DPRK-U.S. Agreed Framework was adopted as a result of the DPRK-U.S. dialogue during the Clinton administration, but the U.S. had put the brake on its implementation under this or that pretext and completely scrapped it while entering the Bush administration. This is a typical example.

It admits of no argument about the reliability as regards the political climate of the U.S. which "cooks" at random the inter-state agreement solemnly declared before the world in conformity with the "taste" and "feeling" of the political faction in power whenever the government is replaced and throws away it like "waste".

All facts go to prove that the U.S. is a "backward country and rogue state in politics" which makes no scruple of turning over the inter-state treaty and agreement in a moment.

Amid the full-dress presidential election race in the U.S., Trump, who has been officially confirmed as a candidate for the Republican Party, said in his speech of acceptance for candidate that "I got along with them and it is nice to get along with someone who has a lot of nuclear weapons and otherwise", thus buoying a lingering desire for the prospects of the DPRK-U.S. relations. Even if any administration takes office in the U.S., the political climate, which is confused by the infighting of the two parties, does not change and, accordingly, we do not care about this.

It is true that Trump, when he was president, tried to reflect the special personal relations between the heads of states in the relations between states, but he did not bring about any substantial positive change.

He that puts on a public gown must put off a private person. The foreign policy of a state and personal feelings must be strictly distinguished.

For nearly 80 years since the founding of the DPRK, the U.S. has pursued the most vicious and persistent hostile policy toward it.

The DPRK has bolstered up its self-defensive capabilities to safeguard its ideology, social system, dignity and life and is fully ready for all-out confrontation with the U.S.

Due to the serious strategic mistakes of the successive administrations, the era has come when the U.S. should really worry about its security.

No matter what rhetoric like dialogue and negotiations it may let loose while frequently staging frantic war rehearsals for aggression foreseeing the nuclear operation by dispatching nuclear strategic assets regardless of the time and reinforcing the ultra-modern weapons and equipment, can we believe it?

The U.S. had better make a proper choice in the matter of how to deal with the DPRK in the future, while sincerely agonizing the gains and losses in the DPRK-U.S. confrontation.

Whether the second hand of the DPRK-U.S. confrontation stops or not entirely depends on the U.S. act. -0- (Juche113.7.23.)


“Our unions are hearing the cries of humanity as this vicious war continues,” said Mark Dimondstein, the president of the postal workers’ union, in a statement. “Working people and our unions are horrified that our tax dollars are financing this ongoing tragedy. We need a cease-fire now, and the best way to secure that is to shut off U.S. military aid to Israel.” (mirror of nyt)

Potentially recognizing that there is going to be a contest. The Democratic candidate has to be chosen by the DNC in August.

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