Correct—you’ll have lovely pure fumes with none of those nasty larger particulates.
Seriously, read up on what N95 filters out. It most certainly isn’t gaseous fumes, vapours, or VOCs. If you’re using them for things like paint spraying, good luck.
Correct—you’ll have lovely pure fumes with none of those nasty larger particulates.
Seriously, read up on what N95 filters out. It most certainly isn’t gaseous fumes, vapours, or VOCs. If you’re using them for things like paint spraying, good luck.
Also depends where you go. We paid £13 at Asda. Pays to shop around.
I hadn’t realised they came in different power levels. Or do they all come with the same power, but only unleash what you pay for?
My cousin was a sound engineer. His partner was known as 3 4. I don’t even recall her real name.
Dude, they changed the images, and added a pointless word. What do you want—effort?
It’s totally different. They put a grammatically incorrect ‘of’ in there.
That kind of thing is a ‘big of a problem’.
Pussy size announcement?
doesn’t realise that Gemini is a GPT
Comments anyway.
BuT ThiNk oF tHe laNdFiLL!!!
So many from way back when. During my first job, we were banned from most places in the town due to our behaviour the previous year. Almost always ended up in a food fight.
Few years later I was I can only describe as assaulted by two very attractive but very drunk colleagues. They were pretty anxious the next day that there’d be repercussions…
Vaguely remember one year out with colleagues and boss, and we persuaded him to see how far his money would go. He got the max he could out of an atm and we started laying it end to end across the road through traffic.
Those are the first three that spring to mind. Thanks for the hazy memories.
Edit: Reply removed since it makes no sense now the earlier comment was removed.
Mod, why didn’t you remove the thread if it was against the rules?