
joined 9 months ago
[–] 1 points 3 hours ago

AI prompt was probably "draw Hillary, but make her as fat as Donald."

[–] 4 points 5 hours ago

People over 80 don't have as much of a stake in the future. Maybe they should lose the vote?

[–] 3 points 20 hours ago

Let the public inspect the recovered wreckage. At a minimum, the Roswell stuff - if we accept the cover story, nothing in that 70+ year old junk could possibly be a risk to national security anymore. If it is still a security risk l, then it's probably not of human origin.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

AI likes to draw his hands twice as big as they are in real life.

[–] 14 points 1 day ago (6 children)

I imagine the US times are exclusive of the "maybe it will heal on its own and I won't need to bankrupt myself" pre-doctor waiting period. I know I needed ankle surgery for several years before I gave up and went to the surgeon. I work with a guy who has needed knee replacement for as long as I have known him (and the injuries were not fresh when I met him).

The above waiting periods are not exclusive to non-emergency situations either. I know someone who almost died trying to tough out appendicitis (the appendectomy was more expensive and complicated than it would have been if he had gone immediately as a result).

I really don't think the above anecdotal evidence are particularly rare or unique either.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago

Let me help:

"Republicans are murdering immigrants in their sleep and firebombing their churches. Get them before they get you!"

"I'm just joking, bro." <- Apparently sufficient to avoid prosecution.

[–] 23 points 2 days ago (11 children)

If I lived near him, I would post a list of Trump sign addresses and include his. He probably still would lack the cognitive ability to understand that his suggestion was wrong, but I bet he would want to do something about me.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago

Someone needs to tell him. If you can get a mosquito to bite you on muscle that you then flex. They can get trapped. They can be overfilled with blood to the point where they burst.

[–] 30 points 2 days ago

Does this mean we can stop pretending the National Review is journalism? It never has been, but people like to present their stupidity as legitimate discourse. If I had to describe it briefly. I would call it "trying to make being a peasant exploited by your betters seem like a good moral choice using linguistic forms calculated to make the reader feel educated and superior. "

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

My senior year in high school, my English teacher started the year by having us turn in a list of all of the books we had read. My list was much longer than most of my classmates. He then assigned us books to read and report on based on some criteria (hypothesis: books that would make us miserable). I got assigned two existentialist plays, "Waiting for Godot" and "No Exit." I think those plays did permanent damage to my psyche.

(Sidenote: a classmate who didn't read very much got assigned Virginia Wolff. She thought it very unfair that I only had to rea d couple of plays.)

[–] 8 points 2 days ago

Somewhere Howard Dean is wondering how the fuck he was too unhinged to be electable in the face of daily insanity from the orange.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago

Just imagine Trump's reaction if he tried to get him to eat a healthy diet.


I am not much of an implementers, but if we wanted to do something to target and reform our screwed up society, I have an idea. The great vulnerability of our capitalist culture, especially in the U.S. and Western Europe, is fractional reserve banking.

For those that don't know, a quick summary is that any given bank only has to keep a small percentage of their deposits on hand. This allows them to invest other people's money for fun and profit. Many resources explain the concept and its evils in far more detail than I can get into here.

So how is this an exploitable weakness? Well, if you have seen It's a Wonderful Life, you probably already know. Because banks only hold a fraction of the reserves needed to cover their depositors' accounts, they are vulnerable to "runs." A run on a bank happens when the customers lose confidence that the bank will be able to cover their deposits and rush to withdraw their money before the bank runs out of money (FDIC insurance was setup to protect depositors from this phenomenon).

How do we use this to fight the bankstas? We deliberately cause runs on banks. Of we can get enough people to withdraw their money from a bank, the bank won't be able to return people's money to them. Even if you don't have an account with the target bank, you can help by spreading fear (Big Bank is the targetof an internet attack, ge yourmoneyout before they collapse - you don't want to have to wait for the FDIC to give you your money, do you?) An additional collateral attack than can be made is to simply not pay any debts (mortgages, credit cards, etc) owed to that same bank. The non-payments will accelerate the time frame for which the bank will run out of money.

Also, if you short the bank's stock before the run or when it starts, you can profit from the banks collapse.

The real key to the plan (the part I haven't figured out yet) is how do we get enough people to panic over a particular bank to get the party started. Subsequent banks should be easier after the first.

Be aware that some states have laws that make inciting a run on a bank illegal, although the constitutionality of such laws is still up for debate. Truth is a defense to libel, so if there is an attempt to sue for that, you get to conduct in depth discovery on the financial condition of the bank (just how bad are all of those loans and derivative instruments they hold? How low is their cash in hand compared to their depositors receipts?)


We'll melt some permafrost and release trapped methane that will melt even more permafrost.

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