
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 1 year ago

thanks for your time! all the best!


where (vaugely) do you live? where do you take your equipment for repair? how much did you pay? ... and what did you have done? just curioous... thanks!

many years ago, i took a MC303 to the local shop that works on synths.. I said "it wont turn on and the power suppy is OK and the power connection to the board is OK, can you help me?" they said.. "sure, we can take a look at it" when i went back, they brought it out and said "it wont turn on but the power suppy is OK and the power connection to the board is OK too, so we cannot help you, you will have to send it back to Roland???" this expert opinion cost me $60 20 years ago.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

also, the best resource I know of for interactive help is the forum at pd patch repo... the community is the largest I have found and the help is probably more helpful and less snarky than other routes.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I think it is entirely possible with FOSS. this kinda reminds me of the situation 10-15 years ago when people were trying to make their windows laptop look like a mac... because mac was more "respected" in audio circles... FOSS will work for professional audio... how many sneers and eyerolls it solicits from others who paid $$$$, who knows.. prob a good bit depending on the circles you roll through.


I would love to hear about any podcasts / audio books / lectures regarding electronic music / synthesis / audio you may like/ know of.

I found this one recently, art+music+technology podcast... various guests from far and wide corners of electronic music and synthesizer circles from present back to the beginning. sadly the host passed away lat year, but the archive remains.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

for reference, here is a video regarding getting VST plugins inside of Pd. this guy has some excellent videos regarding Pd in general... although he hypes-up "dangers" of Pd regarding feedback, the clip~ object will nullify that

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

your title asked "can you only use Pd" and the answer is yes, but not many people do.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

the thing is it is capable, it can just be alot of work... and so much effort and attention have been given to VSTs that alot of people just cannot give them up to learn how to build a from-scratch reverb.

the Erbe-Verb , named after another UCSD professor, Tom Erbe, is a digital reverb unit for eurorack but before he coded the algorithm in C, he designed and built it for testing and fine-tuning in Pd. Pd, much like any synthesis programming language is plenty capable... its just that it requires alot of work which, for some, is very irritating office-feeling-kinda-work and not making music.... Pd is like that for some people... and so Pd is really not worth getting into if it does not provide you with some option or ability that you could get more easily with a plugin... especially if plugins are your jam to begin with!

i hope that babbling helps!

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

hello from the bottom! lol a rabbithole indeed!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

there is another channel, "cheeto moskeeto" , that has been helpful and is often recommended, but the tutorials are 12 years old and i believe he uses Pd-extended so alot has changed, but still worth a look...


Miller Puckette offers his video lectures from his classes with Pure Data at UCSD for free on his website, here are the links,

"In this directory are recordings of classes I've taught at UCSD since about 2012, with some repetitions.

The directories are named by course number and date, so that "206.16w" means "Music 206, 2016, winter quarter". You can find corresponding syllabi and other course materials, in, for instance, ../syllabi/206.16w relative to this directory.
Of particular interest are the seminars, course number number 206, which are all different:

206.12f Real-time computer music software design 206.15w Feedback and distortion 206.15f Stored and live control streams for real-time electronic music 206.18s Frequency-domain audio techniques 206.19s The voice as musical instrument 206.20s Inside Pure Data

In addition to all those, various presentation and lectures are collected in the subdirectory "talks", and recordings of musical performances are in "music".


I had tried to learn Pd several times since the late 90s but it finally clicked and i have been obsessed.

some of the things that have really helped me this time are YouTube tutorials...

Dr Andrew Brown's 65-part tutorial series is excellent for newbies, highly recommended..

following these left me with the knowledge, and something of a toolkit, to be able to get satisfying-enough results to keep me motivated and excited, and the gears turning