Shpongle, when the walls melt.
It's a russian Margolin, or some variant. So yes, a .22LR.
Yep, once anyone can download an app on their phone and do something like this without any effort in realtime it's going to lose its (shock) value fast. It would be like sketching a crude boobs and vagina on someones photo with MS Paint and trying to use that for blackmail or shaming. It would just seem sad and childish.
Practical, but not really equivalent though because of nil punning.
The locking down started with the original MacIntosh (or actually with the Lisa I guess). ISTR they had at least one bit more open period after that, but those have always been the exception.
Wouldn't it be more correct to say that most Americans also use a messaging app (iMessage). The rest are just stuck with SMS to have compatibility with the iPhone users.
As the iPhone was (is?) not as popular in the Europe as it was (is) in the States that might also be one of the reasons why people here ditched SMS so fast once smartphones got popular.
Join and recommend smaller general instances like,, and at random instead. Smaller servers have been upgraded for the surge of users too you know
That was basically my logic when I joined a few weeks ago. Oh well...
Alanko/Sielun Veljet, Nurmio ja Leskinen ovat minullakin niin hyvässä kuin pahassa ne kolme perustaa minkä pohjalta (ehkä epäreilusti ja omiin tottumuksiin luutuneena) tulee uudempaakin suomenkielistä settiä arvioitua. Varsinkin siekkareiden eka livelevy on kaikessa rosoisuudessaan helvetin kova.
Circle on ilmeisesti jotain joka itselläni on jäänyt jonnekin 90-luvun muistikatkoon mutta pitänee tutustua.
Vaikka Lemmyssä vielä nykyään onkin hieman puutteita koko Redditin korvaajaksi laakista niin r/suomen vaihtoehdoksi tämä on ainakin itselleni jo ihan pätevä.
Isoin ongelmahan tällä hetkellä lienee yhteisöjen ja instanssien kirjo ja epätietoisuus sen suhteen mistä tiettyä subia vastaavaa sisältöä jatkossa helpoiten keskitetysti löytäisi. r/suomen suhteen sitä ei ole koska tämä nyt ilmeisesti olisi se paikka Suomi jorinoille. Joten kiinni vain minunkin puolestani.
That's actually cool and a bit like what I had in mind. But it doesn't seem to offer an actual hierarchical view of the lemmyverse.
It would be nice to have a forum style clear treeview of the forums (instances) and their subforums (communities) with activity indicators etc to make browsing and discovering content straight forward. Then if you subscribe to a community it would also show in it's own treeview that the user could arrange to their liking.
For years now I have only read ebooks on my phone, so one evening I decided to get back to the habit of reading real books.
So I take my time and carefully pick just the right book, gather some pillows, turn off the lights and lay comfortable on the couch. And after a few confused moments of flipping through pages I realized that these fucking things didn't work in the dark. And I really don't like to read under a bright light anymore so back to reddit it was for that evening.
That said, I think I'll skip this one, doesn't sound too comfortable.
Right, so the light is actually pushed up by these buoyant forces and I guess that then also explains why it's so dark underground. Fascinating how learning some little new details about the world can sometimes make it all just click together!
But does that mean that light is actually hollow?