
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 31 minutes ago* (last edited 30 minutes ago) (1 children)

Sorry but this is way too apologetic considering how Germany has provided weapons, rhetorical and judicial cover for this ongoing genocide.

Which weapons. Name them. I suppose sanctioning Kahanites is "rhetorical and judicial cover"?

defend Israel in the ICJ

Everyone needs a defence lawyer. Also Germany's line of arguing is more or less "These are clearly war crimes, but genocide? That requires intent".

They are still violently cracking down on pro-Palestine protestors

There were and are plenty of pro-Palestine protests in Germany. Yes, there's also police force used -- what do you expect, if some people start out a protest by setting trash cans on fire, that the police turns a blind eye because they're protesting genocide? Doesn't work like that in Germany. And then certain people with certain interests take those kinds of instances and spin it into "Germany is violently cracking down on the pro-Palestine movement" instead of "Germany doesn't really have much of a taste for breaches of public order". We're not France where burning trash cans are considered sporting.

and they are still defunding NGOs that are anti-genocide

And also still funding them. Maybe this whole thing is, you know, a bit more nuanced than you are willing to acknowledge.

[–] 5 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) (3 children)

Basically: The stance of the government is much more nuanced than usually appreciated in Germany, much less the world,

What she didn't mention, and that's also part of the nuance, is that Germany basically dropped all support that can be dropped without leaving the Israeli moderates and the left-wing hung out to dry. And not just now, it only took a couple of days or weeks for much support to drop, after it became clear that the Kahanites are using the opportunity to get the genocide they always wanted. Which is, according to Germany's reading, against Israel's self-interest and therefore against Germany's interest. Fascism in general, just for the record, not just Kahanites.

It'd also be a hell of a nightmare for the chancellery to try to override bureaucrats in different ministries saying "well no we shouldn't because there's a not negligible probability that those weapons would be used in a genocide": Those bureaucrats are only doing their duty, following the law, analysing things as they're supposed to. Press would quickly get wind of it and all hell would descend upon the governing coalition. In more ways than one: Press and the people would be talking about topics that the government would rather not have anyone think or talk about loudly, because, well, nuance. You never want nuanced topics to be discussed loudly and heatedly, never ends well.

Switching countries: The same nuance and need for tact comes into play when it comes to not losing the deep ties into Israeli politics and civil society over knee-jerk moralising. There are a fuckton of Israelis out there protesting the government, don't want to lose them over not delivering air defence, they need all the support, moral or otherwise, that they can get. The Israeli left already lost enough Hippie Kibbutzim inhabitants in the September attacks (in case you ever wondered why the Israeli government gives less than a shit about the hostages: They're largely lefties). Artillery shells? Different topic.

[–] 12 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

So you can find things by "that spicy chicken recipe" instead of having to remember what it was actually called, or slog through a gazillion chicken recipes in your history when you realise that "spicy" was nowhere in the name. Basically stemming/thesaurus search on steroids.

It's quite likely to be opt-in as I imagine ingesting the sites you're looking at is a significant computational load. The translators are also opt-in, there's enough stuff inbuilt to detect languages but not to translate, you have to download those models first. And they're quite good btw.

Another thing I could see them offering is stuff like tl;dr bot. It's probably not for everyone, but I definitely can see that it can be a useful feature for many people.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago (6 children)

There's already AI in firefox: The integrated translator. From what I've heard they're looking into ingesting browsing history locally so that you can find stuff again easier.

[–] 9 points 1 day ago (1 children)

The tracks are A.I. generated from lyrics and musical compositions that I have created. The A.I. samples are then mixed and edited by me.

Generated from human compositions, human-mixed, human-edited, there's plenty of songs which have less human input. Even I can steal beats from a frying steak.

This isn't the "automated AI slop" that you're looking to complain about.

As to "intention to mislead": That has nothing to do with AI. Passing off a new composition as a 1974 track on first sight is peak retro.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

They'll probably still have an instance in the sense that mozilla folks with have addresses. That's the kind of thing their hosting staff can easily administer on the side, and moderation is already covered by HR.

[–] 12 points 2 days ago

Would have to buy new board and RAM, not really worth it performance-wise, at least not for me. Some day, yes, but that day hasn't come and will definitely be after a GPU upgrade.

[–] 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I don’t know how I should be the one to come up with a better shorthand if I’m the one being taught and not understanding.

There is no better one. Your hand is the only obvious, also, convenient, piece of equipment you always have at the ready that is capable of clearly and intuitively representing three mutually orthogonal vectors. They also happen to be quite freely orientable in space. There are exactly two distinct ways axes can be constructed in 3d, and your left and right hand naturally show the one or the other, try it: While making fancy fingerguns you can never have all fingers be parallel, if two pairs are parallel then the third is antiparallel. You could use fancy terms like chirality but that literally means handedness.

And if you had tried to come up with something better you'd probably have realised all that.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (3 children)

Does this help? Short of making sure that your fingers actually are mutually orthogonal. The perspective in OP's picture is all fucked up and also not consistent between the hand and arrows.

"x,y,z" of course is an easy order you learned it in primary school, for it to make sense for the physics you need to... do nothing. Order is arbitrary. The handedness is dictated by the signs of the vectors, I guess if you were to flip the sign of some natural constant the whole thing would suddenly be left-handed.

It of course is also not an explanation of why the stuff is like it is. You say handedness plus assigning things to fingers is terrible as a shorthand? Show me something better, then. Meanwhile, generations of graphics programmers could and can be observed holding out their hand like that and rotating it every which way to make sense of what other people preferring different orientations did. Or keeping track of local vs. global transforms. Gotta know where the wheels are even if the car is flipped over.

(and, yes, for some reason there's no 3d software which uses x as the up/down axis. Whether that means that the industry has a bit of sanity left in it I'm not so sure it might be an accident).

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Memory chips have had an utterly fickle market ever since there's been memory chips, companies in that business are still in that business because they learned how to deal with the swings. If micron can survive (and they will) then so will Samsung whose memory chip business has the whole conglomerate to fall back onto.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

And it would be so easy to make a big splash in the market by having a phone where the camera doesn't protrude out of the back.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

The limit on Moore’s Law has been more to the economic side than actually packing transistors in.

The reason why those economic limits exist is because we're reaching the limit of what's physically possible. Fabs are still squeezing more transistors into less space, for now, but the cost per transistor hasn't fallen for some time, IIRC about 10nm thereabouts is still the most economical node. Things just get difficult and exponentially fickle the smaller you get, and at some point there's going to be a wall. Of note currently we're talking more about things like backside power delivery than actually shrinking anything. Die-on-die packaging and stuff.

Long story short: Node shrinks aren't the low-hanging fruit any more. Haven't been since the end of planar transistors (if it had been possible to just shrink back then they wouldn't have engineered FinFETs) but it's really been taking up speed with the start of the EUV era. Finer and finer pitches don't really matter if you have to have more and more lithography/etching/coating steps because the structures you're building are getting more and more involved in the z axis, every additional step costs additional machine time. On the upside, newer production lines could spit out older nodes at pretty much printing press speed.


Videogames are being destroyed! Most video games work indefinitely, but a growing number are designed to stop working as soon as publishers end support. This effectively robs customers, destroys games as an artform, and is unnecessary. Our movement seeks to pass new law in the EU to put an end to this practice. Our proposal would do the following:

  • Require video games sold to remain in a working state when support ends.
  • Require no connections to the publisher after support ends.
  • Not interfere with any business practices while a game is still being supported.

If you are an EU citizen, please sign the Citizens' Initiative!

Bevy 0.14 (
Bevy 0.14 (
Bevy 0.14 (
Equality (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/


120 days – roughly four months: That’s how much time Maxim Timchenko reckons Ukraine has until cold weather sets in, raising the pressure on Ukraine’s crippled power infrastructure. Timchenko is CEO of the country’s largest private energy operator, DTEK, which has lost power plants in recent Russian attacks – part of a Russian offensive that has wiped out half of Ukraine’s power production. He tells Steven Beardsley how he’s now trying to scrape together every bit of generating capacity he can find, including from renewables.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

Even more voter movement charts.

Bonus: "Do you think Germany's economic situation is good or bad?"

not even asking about personal economic conditions, just the overall state there's a massive fucking difference in perception.

Provisional results are in (
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

For all your boycotting needs. I'm sure there's some mods caught in's top 10 that are perfectly upstanding and reasonable people, my condolences for the cross-fire.

  1. ! and ! Or of course communities that rule.
  2. !
  3. ! Quite small, plenty of more specific ones available. Also linux is inescapable on lemmy anyway :)
  4. !
  5. !
  6. ! and maybe !, itself seems to be up in the air. ! says ! They really seem to be hiding even from another, those tinfoil hats :)
  7. !
  8. Seems like ! and !, various smaller comic-specifc communities as well as !
  9. !
  10. !

(Out of the loop? Here's a thread on mods and their questionable behaviour)

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