
joined 4 years ago
[–] 4 points 10 hours ago

This is for the period ending June 2024, so it wouldn't have been out yet. I do wonder what kind of cut GW gets from the licensee, though, as there were certainly a lot of other games out in that period. I don't imagine something like Rogue Trader or Darktide were bringing in that much money, though.

[–] 6 points 11 hours ago (3 children)

Well it takes quite the big-brain genius to say "hey what if we raised prices another 10%?" every year so they both clearly earned that money.

I'm kinda surprised revenue is up 11%, I thought they dropped off a bit after the big surge of new customers during lockdowns. Guess they recovered? Maybe it was money from the 10e launch and Leviathan sales last year?

[–] 26 points 20 hours ago

Not nearly enough mao-shining

[–] 58 points 1 day ago (4 children)

I don't know why, but middle guy's obviously fake smile pisses me off every time I see it. You're telling me you do this for a living and that's the best "smile" you can do? Come on.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

I would like to clarify to the jury that I pirated Starfield on launch day and have not given Todd Howard money since 2011.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

The japanese video says winter 2025 apparently.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)
  1. Baldur's Gate 3
  2. Lords of Waterdeep (the boardgame)
  3. Baldur's Gate 1

BG3 is an all around solid game with a decent amount of polish, and while the main story is pretty boring and predictable, as with most Bioware-style games the real story is in the companions, and they're a good enough selection that most players will be able to pick out a party without having to use anyone they really hate. I would still say that I had more fun talking about the game than actually playing it.

I played Lords of Waterdeep with the Skullport expansion exactly once at a friend's house and it was alright. It's a worker placement boardgame and tbh the branding didn't really do much for me because I don't know or care about anything in the Forgotten Realms, much less Waterdeep specifically.

BG1 is a boring game with a simple and uninteresting story, and really does a great job of instilling a hatred of the Vancian casting system in the player. Turns out a 1:1 implementation of AD&D's rules makes for a bad game, who knew. The only reason this takes #3 is because I actually finished it.

Also started but never finished BG2 and NWN2 (didn't get far in either), and played a little of the Neverwinter MMO and DDO but stopped quickly because neither were good. I actually own Planescape Torment but have never actually brought myself to play it. EDIT: saw someone mention BG Dark Alliance and I did also play that for several hours at a friend's house once. It should probably be in third but the fact that I forgot means it obviously didn't make much of an impact.

I will close by saying that WOTC should canonically blow up the Sword Coast so that they can set games elsewhere for once.

[–] 8 points 3 days ago

Kim's dead partner IIRC

[–] 17 points 4 days ago

Could also be an old-timey prospector firing his guns off in the air in celebration when he gets the ball in the hole.

[–] 28 points 4 days ago

Cops always say to aim for center mass, when you really should be aiming for center ass.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

Interesting video, sadly the presenter is a frustrating liberal who refuses, whether out of sincere belief or optics concerns, to condemn NATO. Also uses fun phrases like "when Hamas attacked Israel on Oct 7th".

Edit: also the "call to action" at the end is laughable liberal claptrap. There is no stopping the military from doing something so long as the games industry exists under capitalism, because the military has INFINITE MONEY to tempt people into working for them.


A 2 hour long video on the themes of Khorne and Chaos as false consciousness opposed to revolutionary violence? Yes, I think I will watch this while eating leftover pizza for breakfast.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

Seems like there aren't a lot of typical Elden Ring dungeons, just overworld stuff and then bigger dungeons for the more important bosses. Performance is really bad so far.

Died to the Parade Lion while it was at 1HP, Freja secured the kill just before I timed out, hell yeah, I'll take it.

Razzle Dazzle (
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

Slowly working my way through a BUNCH of vehicles and finally decided to bite the bullet and do the camo. Still a lot of work to go, but this is a huge jump in terms of looking done. Masking tape took 8x longer to put on than actually painting did. As someone new to an airbrush, I must say that it's definitely faster and smoother than using a brush, but I really need to improve my aim. There's some nasty overspray in various places which is going to have to be touched up by hand, but I'm generally very happy with this.


Title. Just for walking around. Looking for something waterproof so I can wear them in rain or maybe light snow.

Last time I bought some new balance sneakers and they're full of cracks and tearing apart at the seams after a little over a year. I hate that everything is designed to fail immediately oooaaaaaaauhhh


And had a pretty good time! Definitely seemed shorter than our games of 40k at around 2.5 hours, even though it was our first game. Tried using 9e Tempest of War missions which was probably a mistake as most of them don't make sense with alternating activations lol (and my opponent was guaranteed victory when he drew Raise Banner, Secure No Man's Land, and Tempting Target all on the same turn). Most of the proxies made sense, though there's the odd weirdness like primaris units having 2+ saves but still only one wound.

Other thoughts: Tanks felt super tough but otherwise weak unless you spend tons of points on upgrading the main guns, which was disappointing. 2k points definitely felt low. Psykers were more complex but pretty fun. The decision of whether to activate what you wanted or something that would probably die if you didn't activate it right now really added some extra pressure that I enjoyed.

RIP my Manticore that died first activation to a Scouted ATV with a Deadly (6) multimelta.

Final Score: Imperial Guard 65 - Space Marines 78


My Guard vs buddy's AdMech, still playing 9th because 10th fucked both our factions, doing Tempest because fixed objectives suck. Also only 1k points. I brought a bit of a meme list because my guard have been undefeated in our play group (vanquisher russ w/ the reroll tank ace, deathstrike, ogryn instead of bullgryn, triple scout sentinels in a single unit with plasma cannons that I intended to charge with). The weird thing is that this objectively worse version of my list costs more points, thank you James Workshop.


  • A deathstrike doing literally nothing all game because it's so easy to avoid (I could have taken the lame missiles but it's godslayer or nothing)
  • The Vanquisher Russ needing to command reroll 2 wound rolls to do anything (though it did one-shot an onager and kill two breachers)
  • The Datasmith just charging a plasma Russ and living the rest of his days in melee because I had nothing to charge him with and nothing with good enough shooting to justify falling back
  • 3 sentinels living in melee with a tech priest all game while holding his deployment objective
  • Only living models at end of game: deathstrike, 2 tech priests, 3 skitarii rangers

Final Score: Guard 67-AdMech 37


Only 4p, sadly, because one guy dropped out to go on a date (valid, but incorrect). Rather short game, ending on turn 5, after ~6 hours (with meal break). Disregard the flipped over objective cards, we just wanted to see what they were post-game.

HS1 is Sol, HS2 is Xxcha, HS3 is Hacan, HS4 is Ghosts of Creuss:

Winner was the Federation of Sol, played by yours truly, because the others more or less forced me onto Mecatol Rex and once in position my ability to drop in infantry squads made me impossible to shift. Also got very lucky with my secret objectives lining up with the publics (2 unit upgrades + 2 faction upgrades, which are the same for Sol, and own 4 planets of any color + own 4 Blue). They let me score Imperial twice which is way too many. Nobody made an attempt to dislodge me until Turn 5, too worried they'd be backstabbed, which, in fairness, was probably accurate for every player but the Xxcha. EDIT: Sol has a rep as being overpowered, so we nerfed it by reducing its starting fleet by 1 carrier. This did not seem to be enough, and it is now on the ban list, along with Jol-Nar.

Ghosts in second with 7 points because both other players gave him Support points in exchange for him suiciding into my invincible army on Mec Rex (not knowing that the game was already over unless they took my home system). This player is generally the weakest in the group, and failed to secure their slice until way too late, leaving them with little to do.

Hacan and Xxcha in third with 4 apiece. Hacan didn't really do much interesting, just spent infinite money to build up a giant fleet but that was no help with invasions, and was too late anyway. Xxcha built a fucking wall of PDS (6 total in a ring around Mec Rex, plus the flagship for 8), which prevented me from reinforcing with ships, but I think made taking it too dangerous for anyone else to consider. He also really fucked over Hacan early, blocking his movement with a cruiser move T1 onto tile 27.


Meatball Ron should be [actionable threat]


Technically it was done a while ago, but now there's a comm for it! The hull gun on the front is magnetized and can be swapped out for a laser, and the sides are magnetized as well so I can put sponsons on if I ever get around to having some 3d printed. The turret-hull connection is just a giant circular hole so it pops off real easy and I have taken to blu-tacking it in place for transport/games.

The actual name for the model is "Mars Alpha Leman Russ Incinerator", and I run it as an Executioner in 40k.

Behold, the warm glowing warming glow of the turret gun (which I'm still not really happy with even after like 10 revisions):

The last thing space fascists see before being run over:


Youtube, twitter, and reddit have obviously been in the news a lot recently, but every day business applications also seem to just keep getting worse. Got new PCs at work which means version updates, and pretty much everything we use (autocad, adobe acrobat, and ms office, mainly) all seem to run much slower, despite the computers having substantially higher specs. Love that I can't use any old versions or alternatives because they refuse to grant me admin access.

I love capitalist innovation! Why make things better when you could just make them worse and charge more?

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