(tbf, because i have to be pedantic about this, sex dreams dont always represent repressed desires or anything. They can also be a way of your brain processing complex emotions. Dreams about about processing memories primarily, and sometimes your monkey ass subconcious mind cant process the complex stuff and just goes "sex!". Thats why someone who does not at all want to fuck their family members might have an incest dream, for example. It can be very traumatic!)
Somehow its the least cowardly sequel lmao
Well tbf they do in the replies.
Yeah, his father made a tool alright.
Yeah I mean at this point who needs Tories, Labour is doing just fine at being the Tories.
Dude could shut the fuck up, not say a word, until the election and Labour would still win effortlessly. He doesn't need to say any words. No words at all. And yet.
checks modlog
Haha dude what the fuuuuuuck.
I am very angry with you.
"if you dont let me post whatever I want to the dunk tank with no standards of quality, I'm going to flood other comms with dunk tank content and fuck the people who dont want to see it because Im annoyed with the mods"
You sound like a petulant child who didnt get his way and the fact that so many people here don't seem to get that is infuriating lol. Like grow up.
Not even anarchists sincerely believe this lol.
Being bi or otherwise m-spec is so much easier because this never happens. A nice ass is a nice ass! Hell yeah.