
joined 1 week ago
[–] 9 points 15 hours ago

at the same time as ever more nuclear brinksmanship against Russia at the expense of who knows how many hundred thousands people on and between both 'sides' of the shitshow in Ukraine. THIS is the "damage control" candidate in the US?

lmfao I'm voting PSL fuck all of these people. Democrats going around congress twice to shovel as many guns and bombs as they can hoping Israel finishes off Gaza before the elections, Trump only being different in that he's open about the same; Palestinians have said both candidates and parties are the same for them, and they've been the same for us.

[–] 2 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago)

wikipedia more accurate on Israeli occupation than the politics of Ukrainian nazi groups like azov and right sektor who would've thought

[–] 7 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago)

driven from their home.

Maybe the Zionists should have taken that to the EUROPEANS WHO DID THAT and forced seizure of THEIR land and made THEM compensate; not passed that shit off on palestinians and colonize them who had nothing to do with european judeophobia. equating these two is ridiculous because the Palestinians are resisting against THE VERY PEOPLE WHO TOOK THEIR LAND, rather than going to some other, poorer place, and getting funneled weapons to brutalize and colonize and genocide them. You don't see Palestinians driving tanks and bombs into Namibian villages and mass murdering them and stealing their land.

These things are not equal and it takes real liberal 'enlightened centrist' brainworms to speak in such vapid vacant platitudes as you are doing. friend your brain needs dewormed.

[–] 2 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

Lol, the first source he cites in these is wikipedia, then perhaps one book.

And I bet that book was found in the footnote of wikipedia

Also wikipedia still cites the Black Book of Communism, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Robert Conquest. And though any and all Russian sources are "unreliable," to them, CIA outlets originally staffed by local fascists like Radio Free Europe/Liberty/Asia are all apparently "highly reliable." Their policies are inherently incestuous and reinforce the liberal western-imperialist status-quo. Anything outside the "accepted center" of authorship, regardless of the actual merit and quality of the report/study and its sources and information is labelled as "fringe." To say nothing of the well-known astroturfing by corporations and intelligence agencies and all the "earnest voice" type stuff. And just very belligerent ill-informed people of the redditor variety, who have too much time on their hands and are far more opinionated than they have any right to be so their garbage sits in the articles for many eyes which see them, either unsourced, with a garbage source, or with a source that straight up doesn't say the thing they imply it says.

[–] 21 points 2 days ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

well except all the Nazis in Germany that were brought directly back into:

but other than all of that though!

(And that's not even mentioning the Nazis and collaborators which made up the origins of Radio Free Europe/Liberty, the "Victims of Communism Foundation" which grew out of the fascist-filled anti-Soviet "Captive Nations Lobby" headed by OUN-B Nazis from Ukraine, and all the Operation Aerodynamic, Operation Paperclip, Operation Sunrise, Operation Beladonna, Operation Lynx, etc etc.)

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

Shitty billionaire

ah but you repeat yourself

[–] 9 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Sees the USA doing what it's always done, which we've known since COINTELPRO and Snowden's whistleblowing


[–] 7 points 4 days ago

it's notable how you "your side" is allowed to be a wide system of dispassionate material interests and power structures involved in seeking to overcome contradictions against its interests in callous yet rational competition; while the "other side" is a single cartoon comic book villain singlehandedly doing 'all the bad things' on an irrational whim for reasons of 'vanity and cruelty' I guess. And its people and their interests and opinions from the rural poor to the college liberal to the oligarch capitalist to the Prime Minister are only relevant to pity or otherwise also one-dimensionally criticize. I hope you analyze the ways in which you are conditioned toward orientalism and myopic essentializing that serves your own "side's" imperialism by not recognizing and erasing the realities of other nations as just as complex and multifaceted as yours.

You're carrying a colonial outlook to distill such a huge and diverse country with a massive population of its 150 different ethnic/national people groups and 20+ autonomous republics and all its various economic interests and players and political trends and history as in Russia to an idealist child's comic book picture of one man's "megalomania". As the west not-so-coincidentally concocts this exact image for every country it tries to overthrow or attack, distilling them to 'one crazy irrational madman dictator who only knows force' and erasing the material existence and interests of the nation and its constituent classes and peoples and the history and context from which these things all arose as they exist. Which is very convenient then for "your side" to make it into whatever it wants.

Do you know what the Duma's structure and role is, its party and factional makeup is and has been, what their members' stances has been on topics like Ukraine since 2014, and what actions Putin has taken in accordance or against what they've been pushing for? Do you think its existence is just for show? You'll be surprised on some points and maybe dig deeper. To really have true understanding of a country you'd have to also dig into the historical, social, political, and economic realities, trends, and topics in the country

and the contradictions, struggles, and syntheses between them over the years; and go past just 2014 to root these trends in their relevant circumstances experiences, struggles, transition periods, etc. from which they all arrived in their present form, on both a structural and people level. Optimally bolstered by some culture studies and language.

But learning about the RF's federal governmental structure, and the Duma, and then the differences between the statements and actions of the Duma vs the Russian President's statements and actions since 2014 is a starting point to start chipping away at this cartoon caricature notion you have, which is not rooted in reality. For any country on the planet. And you know this about your own country, but don't extend the same humanity and respect toward other countries. It's a very US American thing. Maybe if you don't have the language skills you can also machine translate some stuff that they say themselves in their statements and speeches and congresses rather than dubbed 8 second snippets followed by 10 minutes of punditry on CNN too. And that's just politics

history and economy is important too. And never forget about the people on the ground. In who they actually are, not who you've decided they are, or your media has told you they are.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago

to this day I still occasionally mutter "it never ends, this shit..."

[–] 13 points 4 days ago

honorable mention to New Marijuana Study Confirms Everyone Knows You're High And You Will Be Stoned Forever

because when this was originally uploaded on their website it would play a slightly different version every time you opened the page. So you'd laugh and show your friends, so then even if your (allegedly) stoner ass hadn't gotten tripped out the first time, while they're watching it and laughing you'd start sweating.

Second honorable mention to "Is The Government Spying on Schizophrenics Enough?" But I'm honestly still not sure that one's totally okay, even if I still laugh every single time I watch it. I'm not that type of mentally ill but have had people close to me who struggle enough with it and the very nature of the disorder is such that even though I laugh I've always at the same time felt it treads very much on the line.

[–] 15 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)
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