
joined 1 year ago

She divorced me. Apparently she had spent the last nine years waiting for my autistic traits to go away. Once she started to realise they were a part of me, she began secretly looking for her own place and then left without warning.

Enslave the other three to build a farm and then eat them and wait for the greens to grow.

First time Dresden got called a fancy neighbourhood since 1945

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

If this game was a heist, the whole crew would have been arrested before they even met each other. Not only does it require registration of a 3rd party account to play but, once in the game, matchmaking doesn’t work leaving you to play the tutorial over and over.

The Baby Driver of heist games, except the driver is a real infant who can’t even reach the pedals or steering wheel.

Sounds awful. Do you know what causes it? Otherwise this might not be in your control. Worth seeing a holistic therapist to find the root cause and hopefully feel better.

Same. I will potter around until 5 or 6 am and then hate myself as I have a meeting in the morning that I will either need to drag myself out of bed for or sleep until lunchtime and lose half the productive day.

DMZ in the last iteration of CoD was the most fun game that I’ve played in a long time - despite the bugs.

Zombies mode in MW3 is also good fun but it irks that I paid money for this game and it’s buggier than DMZ which it’s evidently based on, and they’ve had a year to fix it.

Forza and Rocket League

[–] 16 points 10 months ago (7 children)

Most of my Ukranian friends would not vote for him in an election, it’s a bit of an ‘open secret’ in the country that he’s seen as a wartime leader who would be expected to step aside in peacetime.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

We’re allowed to work desk jobs in unhealthy office buildings, eat junk food for lunch and stare at our phones for ‘relaxation’. If athletes want to burn brightly for a short time by using performance enhancing drugs then the only thing I would ask is that they are fully informed of the risks beforehand and know what they are letting themselves into.

[–] 10 points 1 year ago (2 children)

You ever drunk Baileys from a shoe?

I do 4x10 and it’s a joy - for me. I can work from home when I want and 10 hours flies by when you know you have a 3 day weekend to look forward to at the end. I’m definitely more focused and productive.

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