
joined 1 year ago
[–] TanyaJLaird@beehaw.org 8 points 1 day ago (1 children)

It reminds me one of Asimov's robots trying to reason a way around the Three Laws.

[–] TanyaJLaird@beehaw.org 13 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Replace Tienanmen with discussions of Palestine, and you get the same censorship in US models.

Our governments aren't as different as they would like to pretend. The media in both countries is controlled by a government-integrated media oligarchy. The US is just a little more gentle with its censorship. China will lock you up for expressing certain views online. The US makes sure all prominent social media sites will either ban you or severely throttle the spread of your posts if you post any political wrongthink.

The US is ultimately just better at hiding its censorship.

[–] TanyaJLaird@beehaw.org 1 points 2 days ago

I don't see anything in there that doesn't also apply to OpenAI and other western companies.

[–] TanyaJLaird@beehaw.org 3 points 2 days ago

Ask OpenAI's products to explain the absurdity of conservative Christianity, or any number of bugbears the West accepts censorship over.

[–] TanyaJLaird@beehaw.org 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Honestly, this all seems like small potatoes. We're trying to save our species from extinction here. We're trying to maintain the standard of living that came with the Industrial Revolution without burning out planet to a cinder.

If doing so means our steel industry runs 10% less efficiently, I really don't give a damn.

[–] TanyaJLaird@beehaw.org 2 points 3 days ago (4 children)

Another option is to skip most of the grid storage and just spam solar panels. Rely on batteries only to get you through the night, not to bridge power across seasons. Build enough panels that your country can meet its needs even on a cloudy day in winter. Then you have reasonable power costs in the winter and nearly free electricity the rest of the year.

You could see a lot of energy-intensive industries becoming seasonal. We have a crop growing season, a school season, and sports seasons. Why not an "AI model training" season?

[–] TanyaJLaird@beehaw.org 1 points 4 days ago

Exactly. It's fun to joke, but people are reading the order way too literally. It doesn't say, "those who at conception can produce a large reproductive cell." It says something like, "those who at conception belong to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell." Any court will be able to see that the clear interpretation is that sex is defined by genetics and that anyone with XX chromosomes belongs to the female sex.

You can't produce reproductive cells at conception. But if you asked most people, they would still have no problem referring to the sex of a zygote or fetus. They would simply be operating off of the genetic definition of sex.

[–] TanyaJLaird@beehaw.org 11 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Yeah. Dating sits and social media sites need to be kept separate. If someone is in a poly or open relationship, more power to them. But the vast, vast majority of the population, including most trans people, don't have any interest in that sort of thing. And most people in monogamous relationships would see their partner being on a dating app to be a huge betrayal of trust and fidelity. To try and blur the line between dating apps and social media just seems like a terrible idea.

[–] TanyaJLaird@beehaw.org 3 points 1 week ago

And even then, it goes beyond gender. Even the idea that you can't change your sex is laughable. "Sex," despite what some TERFs insist, is not traditionally or in practice today determined by DNA. We've learned that chromosomes play a primary factor in determining sex, but your sex isn't your DNA. A blueprint isn't a house; a house is a house. The blueprint just tells you how to build a house.

Physical sex is really about primary and secondary sex characteristics. If a trans woman undergoes SRS for example, her sex is literally female. She has the same anatomy as an infertile woman, or woman whose had a hysterectomy.

And this is the traditional way of defining sex. We referred to people's "sex" for generations prior to discovering DNA. And even today, we sex infants entirely based on their genitalia. Actual genetic screening is incredibly rare.

Bigots just latch onto "sex==genetics" because it allows them an easy cudgel. But in reality, if your primary and secondary sex characteristics are of a certain sex, you are that sex. Does the initial cellular blueprint indicate a different sex? Assuming you're not intersex, sure. But again, DNA is just a blueprint.

The example I always like is the house/boat example. Imagine you owned a wooden boat. That boat was made by a particularly prideful boat builder, and every plank of the boat is stamped, "Smith's shipbuilding co." One day you get tired of sailing the waves, so you take your boat, disassemble it, and use the planks to build a house. You now live in a house where every board is stamped "Smith's shipbuilding co."

Imagine the absurdity of someone coming to your home and telling you, "you live in a boat! Every board clearly labels this building as a boat. Therefore, you must live in a boat."

That is the fallacy of relying on genetics to define sex. Chromosomes are just the initial blueprints or the equivalent of the "Smith shipbuilding co." stamp.

[–] TanyaJLaird@beehaw.org 16 points 1 week ago

They're building an AI Stasi.

[–] TanyaJLaird@beehaw.org 6 points 1 month ago

Pride started as a riot.

[–] TanyaJLaird@beehaw.org 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It really depends on the location I guess. I ride the bus a lot in my city. And the bus drivers here do a lot more than just drive the bus. Their most important secondary duty is helping users of wheelchairs and other mobility devices. The buses have wheelchair ramps that fold down, which the drivers manually operate. Then once on the bus, a front section of seats will fold up, and there is a system to strap a wheelchair down securely. It is the bus driver that does this.

Now, one area automated buses could really help would be expanding the pool of potential drivers. Our system has a hard time recruiting new drivers, as a CDL (commercial drivers license) is required. And people with such a license can usually make better money driving trucks for for-profit businesses. So it's really hard to get, train, and retain bus drivers, as few people are actually qualified to drive a bus.

So in our city, we would still need an employee onboard to help with these secondary duties. However, with an automated bus, they could be done by anyone. Instead of a driver with a CDL, we could hire some college kids to ride around the city in the auto buses. They could offer assistance when needed, but spend the majority of their time just working on their studies. As such, they could be hired at a very affordable cost to the city.

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