War Thunder has, IMO, good warplane fun. Or it had anyway, I haven’t played it in years. If you have a VR headset I suggest having a look at Warplanes: WWI Fighters on Steam. Very fun!
There’s reasonable differences here, at a glance War Thunder has everything aside from infantry combat, while World of Tanks has just tanks. Warplanes and Warships are two different Worlds. A little deeper, and WoT has a more arcade gameplay so while it’s still fairly realistic as far as mechanics, there’s things like health bars, medikits that can instantly heal crew members (that might be temporarily unavailable due to high caliber tank shell through the armor, and into them…), plus some balancing of things to at least try keeping the game fun. War Thunder is a more realistic experience, with fun things like being hit across the map, then having the shell shatter into the tank and killing the crew so that game is over for you. Regularly. I do like their warplanes though.
There’s also Armored Warfare, but that’s a forgotten one because it was a World of Tanks clone with modern tanks, it got mismanaged to hell, sold off, and then the new management turned out epic greedy. Mir Tankov is, for lack of better words, the Russian offices of World of Tanks after the invasion, so they saved face by cutting ties with what was technically the headquarters. There’s WarBirds, that’s probably 20 years old by now and it shows. Warplanes: WWI Fighters is a lovely VR game that channels your inner Red Baron thanks to realistically arcade physics.
Yeah. You didn’t ask for any of that :D
Edit: and I just realized it was about the War Thunder forums. Oh well.
That’s War Thunder, and somehow it happened a dozen of times. Like, do you need to win that argument that much? lol
The bloody morons… why they say 16 tops if it can do better? It’s not like they don’t have access to 16gb sticks to test 2 of them! Like, I get when it’s “this supports up to” and that’s the largest available at launch, but this is just stupid. Thanks for correcting me!
Right? When it started I felt it was a lose-lose situation: I might enjoy Apple products, but I do see the need to open them up at least a bit, so them winning would not be good. Epic winning on the other hand would give Epic something to stand on to criticize the greed of the 30% cut of Apple and Google, while apparently being fine with the same for EGS or consoles…
super easy to upgrade to 32/48gb
Not on an N95/97/100 as they support max 16… https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/231803/intel-processor-n100-6m-cache-up-to-3-40-ghz.html so they can be repaired, but not upgraded.
That’s… just weird. There’s performance art, and whatever this has turned into with time.
This isn’t what you asked specifically, but it’s related enough… have a look into https://apps.apple.com/it/app/draw-things-ai-generation/id6444050820?l=en-GB as it’s free, ad free, free from tracking and really well optimized. With that I can run Schnell on my iPhone 13 Pro!
Yep. No artistic skills here, fun shitposts like this one for me are only fueled by some sort of generative AI. In this instance I tried a few different models (initially I got a woman with a red shirt uniform and a bee logo, then a red shirt with yellow and black highlights, a different model gave me a buff, hairy bee in a red shirt uniform… on top of the enterprise, holding a small enterprise in a hand) but had to give up and use Flux even if it’s the most intensive to run. Hardly perfect, but it’s fun and easy to recognize :)
LIDAR sucks, accuracy wise. If you want accuracy, and hate yourself, then you need an iPhone XR/XS because that was the generation with the most accurate FaceID (for whatever reason). Or go photogrammetry, the LIDAR can help but isn’t the main thing there… this is both free and great. With a Mac you can get the data processed faster, or it can be done (paid) via cloud, or with less accuracy and a bit of patience, on device. It’s not going to be a professional solution, but depending on the task it works and chances are the hardware is already there :)
My brother had a moment like that as a kid. He had a phone and put it in a locker when he went to gym (kids stuff, you know. Get them active, get them tired) and… the locker wasn’t locked. Plus having the pin enabled was annoying so he didn’t have that either. Yep. He learned that lesson…
Yeah, I had a moment of pause before starting, and then decided that fuck it, I like tanks and I’m going to talk about them :D