I mean songs about having sex with underage girls are pretty common. Aside from Ted Nugent, there’s kid rock, the Beatles, the knack, the police, winger, R Kelly, nirvana, korn…. So so many. Then there’s everyone named in operation yewtree and the me too allegations. Plenty of those people would claim it’s just who they’re sexually attracted to, and it’s not paedophilia. I don’t think you have to dig too deep to find straight people who commit these crimes or try to minimise their impact.
No, the guy holding the poster is saying that paedophilla is NOT a sexuality. And if you think paedophilla is a trivial as sexuality (I.e you’re paedophile or enabler/minimiser), then burying your body in my garden is as trivial as gardening.
Nugent retweeted this like he agreed that paedophilla is absolutely not a sexuality and (it’s implied) if you think it is, we can to bury your body and call it gardening. The hypocrisy being that Ted Nugent is a paedophile.
I fucking love it! I thought my ultimate 70s boudoir had won the community, but this is way funnier!!
Edit: wtf is that in the corner underneath him?!
Like I said, it’s not the best example but it’s also not the worst one of these I’ve heard, they can get really really obscure. Maybe this is a better explanation/translation:
“If paedophilla is as innocent as a “sexual orientation”, then burying your dead body in my garden is as innocent as “gardening.”
Have you ever had an IQ test or similar? You sometimes get questions like “A car is to transport, what a fork is to ___” with the answer being “cutlery”. It’s not that transport/cutlery or cars/forks have anything in common, it’s about their relationship to the group.
So in the post it’s saying that “if you think paedophilla is just a type of sexuality, then murdering someone and burying their body is just a type of gardening”. It’s not exactly a flawless comparison, but that’s what they were going for.
Being able to drive is such a huge deal. I really glad he’s doing ok now.
Are you talking about in the UK? I disagree. I just don’t see that happening because there won’t be anything to protest. I don’t think we’ll go back into lockdown again no matter how bad it gets. At most they‘ll recommend wearing masks again, tell the vulnerable to shield, put capacity limits on indoor venues, and restrict visits to hospitals and care homes. Very worse case scenario they might urge people to WFH/stay at home and maybe reintroduce bubbles at schools.
I can believe it of American because antivaxx views correlate with political views and the US is so divided politically that it almost doesn’t matter what it’s about, people will argue over it. But without that aspect to it in the UK there just isn’t anything to protest.
They’re not a thing in the UK anymore - outside of this they never really were. And I can’t see them starting up again tbh. There’s no political us vs them about it, they’re not mandatory - even for healthcare staff. What is there possibly to protest about? If you want to risk your life and the lives of everyone around you, you can go right ahead without any blowback or censure.
That must have been terrifying! Has he got his eyesight back fully now? One of the drugs I take to control my lupus has damaged my retinas - but not to the point of blindness, thank god.
Yes… “antivaxxer protest” dates it pretty accurately.
EDS here too! Type 3, but it’s pretty severe. PoTS, sjorgens, fibro, hypothyroidism, NAID etc etc. My lupus loves attacking my kidneys, heart and brain as well as joints, skin and hair, but it’s kinder on the outside than in. I don’t want to look ill, but it is a bit cruel to look pretty healthy on the outside but seriously ill on the inside. I wish you more good days than bad!
No problem, sorry I didn’t make it clearer the first time. Like you said, it’s not the easiest example to (tenuously) explain!