I'm really tired of "early access" being a thing.
If you are creating a playable version and selling it for money, that is a release. They just hide behind that "Early access" tag so they can use it as a shield against any and all criticism. And some of these games have been in "Early Access" for YEARS.
I also hate pre-order bonuses because it not only makes you pre-order a game, which I am loathe to do in most cases, but they often have exclusive content for different locations you pre-order at so no matter what, you're going to be missing something and I despise that.
I hate day 1 DLC that re-adds stuff that was already finished for the game that they simply took out and locked behind DLC to milk more money.
And of course, I hate microtransactions existing in a game you have to pay for. Games should either be FREE and supported by microtransaction shops OR they should be FREE and you pay a monthly subscription to play them OR you should pay a one-time sticker price to have unlimited access to all of its content. I am getting so tired of so many games charging you money to buy it, and charging you money monthly, AND having a store on top of it. The greed is so beyond intolerable.
Back in 1998, activision dropped a game called Battle Zone that I thought was one of the coolest games i'd ever played.
It was a first person shooter, but you had these hover tank vehicles that you piloted and you could jump out of them and into other ones, etc. This was already really cool in and of itself, but what made Battlezone really stand out to me is that it was also a first person RTS game. You had a whole base, built an army of wingmen that would go into battle beside you, etc. You build harvesters, gathered resources, all that jazz.
I thought it was amazing. And while they did make a Battle Zone 2 at some point, I haven't seen ANY other games that combined FPS and RTS like that ever since. The closest game i've seen that does something like that hasn't even released yet I don't think and it is still in development, but even it doesn't do it exactly the same because in this new game one player acts as the commander and plays the game like an RTS and the other players act like soldiers and do the fighting on the ground in first person. So even that isn't exactly the same, but it's the closest i've ever seen.
I think it was a really cool genre that i'd love to see explored and refined.