I love Hamm and office space so this sounds good on paper. Is it out already? Google says 2022?
Oooh awesome, thanks mate
I'm a similar in build to OP and my old chair was the Markus, my mrs uses it now and I groan at it when I do something on her PC, i'm a leg-crosser too and the marky is just a bit stiff after years on the Aeron
Herman Miller Aeron is the best chair i've ever had, it was expensive in 2017 and probably more so now but honestly....it may be one of my best life purchases ever, no joke. I'm on the PC all day, and along with walking and a2g squat-stretches I never have back pain or any neck weirdness (but thats due to good monitor pos' for me of course I imagine).
Yea I think i'm on all three too, early days I guess :)
Check ya inbox!
Ahh I keep forgetting about Tildes, I hate the PC experience but I have surfboard installed, which is much better. It's a decent place, I just haven't totally clicked with it yet.
I have crawled back to Reddit, but only out of a need to keep up with my wrestling news, and insert random game i'm playing, and I want to be part of the ongoing whatevers, 7daystodie for example.
I'm only using it on PC and with RES, so hey no adverts. Not installing it on my phone tho, screw that blasted app.
There's just not enough scatterd and active game communities here yet, hell we don't really have an R/Gaming equivalent which is staggering to me considering the base-of-nerds we have here.
Yeah i'm still trying to settle on a default filter. I also have all popular meme communities blocked so maybe this is why, as the bulk of the content is well, memes.
If Lemmy's had a million posts, i'm struggling to see em? My instance is pretty open and has had no defedding dramas AFAIK? (is there a way to see this?)
I'm 80% once a day [night time] and touch wood, only ever had one filling needed and that was back in 2009. Bro sciencing it but I chalk it up to drinking a lot of water and shlooshing my mouth out after meals, especially if i've had orange juice, ice cream or other not good for teeth stuff. A bit of gum maybe too, but I don't know how much of BigGum fills our heads with random fake science.
I did have a 'uh-oh' phase a few months ago where my teeth were super sensitive, but some Sensodyne, mouthwash and twice daily sorted it out and now i'm fine again...and back to my old habits lol; enamel must of taken a lil beating.
Dentist says things are always fine, so I just keep it up /shrug
Shame, have really enjoyed the fiesta - leased a new one in 16 and have kept getting em, pretty decent but we're not heavy drivers. Pleasant enough and the satnav stuff was good after coming from shitty 2nd hand renault clios lol