
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 11 months ago

They are brothers aren't they? Maybe it was more like: let's try some bands and see who we can copy the best?

[–] 10 points 11 months ago (1 children)

This is a very good but very long joke I found on this site:

Heavy metal music video
A horse is watching a heavy metal music video, and the guitarist plays an amazing solo. The horse says "that looks amazing, I want to do that!"
The horse goes to the phone book, looks up a music teacher and calls him. "Hi, I'd like to learn to play guitar." Says the horse.
"Sure," says the man on the phone. "Just come to your lesson and we'll get you started."
"There's just one problem," says the horse. "I'm a horse."
"Not to worry," the man says. "We have new state of the art technology to teach horses. You'll be playing like a pro in no time."
Sure enough, the horse gets really good at the guitar and he can play that amazing solo. He wants to show his friends, so he picks up the phone and calls chicken.
"Hey Chicken, come over!" he says. Chicken comes over, watches horse play the guitar and thinks it's pretty cool. Chicken watches the music video and says "hey, that drum part is pretty cool, I want to learn to play that."
Chicken goes to the phone book, looks up a music teacher and calls him. "Hi, I'd like to learn to play the drums." Says the chicken.
"Sure," says the man on the phone. "Just come to your lesson and we'll get you started."
"There's just one problem," says the chicken. "I'm a chicken."
"Not to worry," the man says. "We have new state of the art technology to teach chickens. You'll be playing like a pro in no time."
Sure enough, the chicken gets really good and begins to jam with the horse. Eventually, they think that something's missing. They watch the video again and realize they need a bass guitarist. They call their friend Cow and show them what they've been up to. Cow thinks it's pretty cool, and wants to learn how to play the bass guitar.
Cow goes to the phone book, looks up a music teacher and calls him. "Hi, I'd like to learn to play bass guitar." Says the cow.
"Sure," says the man on the phone. "Just come to your lesson and we'll get you started."
"There's just one problem," says the cow. "I'm a cow."
"Not to worry," the man says. "We have new state of the art technology to teach cows. You'll be playing like a pro in no time."
Sure enough, the cow gets really good at the bass and the animals have a nice band going.
One day, while they're practicing, a man walks by and hears them. He goes up to the animals and says "hey, you guys are pretty good! I'm from a record label, I'd like to sign you!"
The band records an album, puts out some singles and becomes a massive success. They go on a worldwide tour and make tons of money. Right before the last show of the tour, which is supposed to be in Vegas, Horse gets a call. His mother is in hospital.
Horse goes to visit her before the show while the rest of the band goes to Vegas to set up. It turns out that she's all good, it's just a cold. As horse is leaving the hospital, he gets another call. The private jet that was carrying the band and their producer crashed into the ocean, and there were no survivors.
Horse is devastated. All of his best friends are dead, he's out of a job and he's stuck with nowhere to go. He breaks down in tears and decides he'll drink himself to death.
So the horse walks into a bar.
The bartender asks, "why the long face?"

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

The purpose, wrote a fan of Bertillon’s, is “to give each human being an identity, an individuality, certain, durable, invariable, always recognisable”. That, at least, Mr Trump can already claim to have achieved.

To appear as an entitled child who has just been told to go to his room, boiling inside and swearing vengeance against those who did him wrong. That's his identity, that's how we recognize him.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

KUNV The Rebel used to be such a great station. I really don't know what it's like nowadays.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I mean, who comes up with such idea for an album cover?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I check it frequently but I only check my fave music subs, and even so I don't watch/listen to everything posted there. For me, the main difference has been the heaven sent lack of engagement on mostly trivial topics that seem to appear every single day on the rest of the subs I used to follow.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Yeah a good friend of mine shared that album recently with me and I've been enjoying it very much.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

That's awesome. We use four articles in Spanish, glad to finally be able to publish them all.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

yes is a prog rock band, this is the cure

I'll see myself out