
joined 1 year ago
[–] Rigelturus@alien.top 1 points 1 year ago

Come on guys lets just admit to the fact that this isnt as cool as the other games mostly cause you cant really fuck around like you could in the other games.

It’s a bethesda game with all the negatives but none of the positives they put in their games.

You cant just pick a direction and do random shit like kill some guy then have Lucien Lachance appear outta nowhere, nor enter a cave and end up spending 5 hours in blackreach for no reason, nor come across some random quest and end up dealing with a daedric prince, etc

The game also lacks the urban “stuff hidden in obscure places” kind of exploration fallout 3 and 4 had plus messing around with skills or coming up with builds or breaking the game with idiot savant and 1 point in INT.

It also lacks any kind of interesting lore like fallout and let’s not even mention interesting lore connected to main NPCs like in TES.

With none of that in the game all you’re left with is the boring bethesda shit that we all just put up with, like loading screens, where starfield is the worst offender out of all their games btw, being encumbered, lack of money, oversimplified skill trees, shit inventory, bland npcs disconnected from reality etc