Ha! Oh wow, now that’s a spicy spelling mistake! 🤌
Rambutans. They look like fluffy sea urchins but you crack that shell open and it’s soooo good. Much like leches.
You can. I do. As a Jew and as someone who has family living in Jerusalem who all hate Bibi and what he stands for. Fuck Bibi and fuck the Knesset. And fuck Zuck too.
Thank you so much!
Hello dark knight my old friend…
Thank you so much!
Funny you should mention that. I wanted to snap this photo quickly because there most definitely would have been a bright parking lot light in that photo. For some reason it was late to turn on. Glad I caught the shot when I did.
The government has made it their business via passing the law. So.. ya know…
Let me introduce you to my 80 year parents…
So my kid had an end of year project on someone famous from the state he was assigned to research and present. He got Pennsylvania. I immediately said, “you’re doing John Fetterman. He’s badass. Here lemme show you why..” and my kid was all about it. The kids dressed up as their famous person and I got the whole getup. Sweatshirt, athletic shorts, bald cap, stick on goatee, custom made rub on tattoos to match. That was really fun and John Fetterman is bad fucking ass. He should be president.
If chief O’Brien doesn’t have his own episode, I’m rioting