Behold, a human being.
I mean yes, no one, human or turtle, can survive without the ecosystem of the earth, so you could really argue that the planet is the true organism and we are simply byproducts of its existence
What part of the second statement is wrong? A turtle cannot survive without its shell, just like you could not survive without your skull. It is an intrinsic part of what allows it to function as a living organism, therefore the line between "turtle" and "shell" is a bit blurred
What part of you makes you? Is it just your brain?
Anyway, I think what they're getting at is that the shell is actually their spine, not like some extra thing that grows on top of their spine.
And so was born the unfortunately named Epstein drive
Or sport?
Hey everyone, this guy doesn't know how to use the 3 seashells!
Did a killer bee write this?
More construction options
Ah, yes. The "reapers"
I love Android Not Chrome. You can install uBlock Origin on it, which kicks ass
Where can you really draw the line? Could you survive in space without any air or equipment? Even if you could, where did the equipment and air come from?
Photosynthetic organisms are for all practical purposes part of your lungs