joined 4 years ago
[–] 11 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

The company has fabricated stories, including claims that Europe will face power outages and a shortage of fever-reducing medicine, which will result in “a surge in child mortality,” according to a draft of an influence campaign.

The medicine thing literally happened though? perhaps a global pandemic (that we have now completely memory-holed) has had an impact on the availability of medicine?

and power did get prohibitively expensive for many people? Dastardly Russians with their accurate reporting of current events.


"Why do the Russian intelligence services feel the need to remind westerners that nuclear war is a bad thing? Is it because we are worshipping at the altar of Death and no longer fear the warm embrace of Hellfire? NO! the russians are trying to steal our bodily fluids!"

[–] 31 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Listen, we should fake a catastrophic collapse, send all the billionaires into their bunkers (if they do not have a bunker, the state will build them one). Once they're siloed off, control all information coming into the bunkers to maintain the illusion of the apocalypse. Meanwhile, we clean up the world and dismantle any vestiges of capitalism, build utopia etc., at which point we make contact with the now feral remnants of the billionaire class, tell them everything we did, show them around a wonderful world free of want and pain, make them confront the fact that they were the ones holding humanity back.

spoilerAnd THEN we put them up against the wall. sicko-satan

[–] 53 points 3 days ago (14 children)

The last thing you see before getting devoured by a pack of autonomous robot dogs

[–] 20 points 3 days ago

nah its a pretty hinged position to take if you want to isolate and destroy Russia+China, make all their friends into your friends, so you can feed your friends (formerly their friends) into the woodchipper of proxy war.

[–] 35 points 3 days ago

its called Effective Altruism

[–] 33 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I don't even try to make money off weapons production, that would take away valuable resources from our brave defenders of democracy. Instead I donate directly to Raytheon and Boeing, get a tax refund from that and then donate the tax refund to Palantir

[–] 6 points 3 days ago

castro-stuff solidarity trump-who-must-go

Surviving several hundred assassination attempts because your would-be murderers are incompetent losers



The smol bean heckin democracy puppers need autonomous death robots to protect themselves from scary authoritarians 🥰 Also, bad wars is unacceptable, you need to vote to make sure we get good wars!

On one hand, unimaginable destruction of human life, on the other, lower taxes. I'm torn 🤔


[–] 64 points 5 days ago

honestly I think the world was just a very different place back when they had their most successful operations. The US had a massive technological advantage over the often very unstable former colonies and war-torn countries rebuilding after the war, borders were looser, electronic surveillance not really an option for many third-world countries. Like, back then, a CIA hit squad could just bring a bunch of guns on a commercial flight, sexually harass the stewardesses, get drunk and pop a few quaaludes, assassinate an African head of state and be back on base by lunch. Can't do that anymore, because of woke. trump-kaneki


[–] 24 points 1 week ago

probably planning war crimes on a scale previously unthinkable, nuclear exchanges, biological warfare etc.

the US will probably kill 100 million Chinese and then beg the CPC for mercy when faced with an army of a billion

[–] 40 points 2 weeks ago

Putin wanted to be a western lapdog so bad he even asked to join NATO and helped the Americans wage the War on Terror. The West didn't accept that, because they wanted every non-western country to be absolutely subservient and exploitable.

[–] 55 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

The liberal anti-communist wants to restore worker power and internationalism? The multi-billionaire that only pays lip service to communist aesthetics to maintain support among the older nostalgic generations wants to abdicate power to a system of democratic centralism?


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