
joined 1 year ago

The UK lost its colonies but it’s wealth is so centered in colonial extraction that it had to start colonially extracting from itself.

Literally an Oroborous. Nothing left to consume but itself.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (8 children)

So you accept it just because you like being socially inferior to some inbreds who were born rich?

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (10 children)

I simply recognise the futility of wishing the world was not as it is: a primitive system of elites and peasants, filled with squalor and death.

You said “you’re confused” then said you viewed the world exactly as I said you did

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (13 children)

No you’re wrong. The USSR was a truly more equal society, dramatically more equal, provable in the empirical sense by the Gini coefficient.

It also achieved greater long term average growth, also provable empirically by measuring the size of the economy from the revolution to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Even if you include the destruction of the apocalyptic world war 2, a vicious revolution and counter revolutionary civil war, Hitler murdering tens of millions, the Cold War which saw insane spending on military, and the poor economic performance of the 1980s following the oil shocks of the late 70s…. All of that and still it was the greatest economic growth story of the 20th century when averaged over its lifetime.

Equality is good and a choice that can be made. You are eating the propaganda of your masters when you tell yourself that it’s somehow the natural state of man. Some inevitability that must be accepted for the greater good.

It’s not inevitable and it doesn’t lead to a greater good.

Yeah that’s a good point. I don’t see Iran denying this if it were true either so radio silence on the topic makes it seem like it was just made up.

[–] 28 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

In future we will add a disclaimer:


Is that a reasonable compromise?

This way you can maintain your thought free information bubble and we can still point out the ways in which mainstream propaganda shapes your world view, and you can just comfortably ignore it.

[–] 52 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Qatar, and by extension of cash money also Al Jazeera, is very anti-Iran.

I’m not seeing any news of this at all in Iranian media, which actually is fairly tabloid and weight lifting is a big thing in Iran. Even if you want to tell yourself the regime has absolute control over information, which isn’t true, they’d still need to provide a cover story due to the high profile nature of it and I don’t see one.

Also Iranian social media is vibrant and also I don’t see anything in Persian but maybe I’m using the wrong search terms?

All I see are the bbc and the telegraph and cnn etc etc etc repeating almost exactly the same story word for word.

It seems like fake news to me. The classic case of one biased journalist writing a story, sending it to AP, and the entire western media just repeating the thing word for word because it’s free news inches and posting propaganda of this nature is oddly enough free in our modern system of journalism.

It seems unlikely to actually be true to me. It seems more likely that it’s being syndicated without any critical enquiry because it agrees with the establishment narrative about Iran.

I’m not an expert at all but I know the plan is to keep most of HK as undeveloped woodland.

It’s one of the things that surprises visitors, despite being one of the most densely populated places on earth, 2/3rds of HK is a nature preserve and they plan to keep it that way.

Partly this is because nature is good and the city treasures the green spaces. Which is why you see those funny high rises with a square missing in the center, it’s not actually feng shui it’s because approval often requires that you don’t block the sun and views of the mountains.

But it’s also in part because the mountainous parts are not very suitable for building and they’re prone to mudslides so building up on them would be a bad idea.

It’s actually cheaper and easier to “reclaim” land from the sea which is where most new land comes from, but really it’s increasing density and building up that creates most new housing.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It’s called khao phat amerikan

[–] 36 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (5 children)

They doubled the average size of new apartments by outlawing the appalling tiny units that the British establishment encouraged and by engaging in actual planning concerning land use, another thing the British colonial era ignored.

Now it’s about 50-90 sqm for new apartments which is the same as other high density cities like Barcelona. New York for example is 50-70 sqm.

They estimate a further gain of 10-20% in floor area per person by 2030.

Thanks China!

Your dumb ass should start questioning your assumptions because they’re wrong.

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