
joined 1 year ago

Η κατασταση ειναι απλα τραγικη. Ακομη θυμαμαι που η πολη δεν ειχε συνελθει ακομη, μηνες μετα τον Ιανο, δεν το πιστευω οτι γινεται ξανα το ιδιο. Τα ιδια στην πολη, τρισχειροτερα στα χωρια, και κυριως στον Παλαμα.

Εσπασαν αρκετα τοπικα ποταμια, λενε στους χωρικους να ανεβουν στις στεγες μεχρι να ερθουν τα ελικοπτερα και οι βαρκες. Προφανως οι περισσοτεροι (ηλικιωμενοι) δεν εχουν τη δυνατοτητα να κανουν κατι τετοιο. Πολλοι εχουν μαζευτει σε μερικα σπιτια που βρισκονται λιγο πιο ψηλα. Ηδη αγνοουνται αρκετα ατομα, δυστυχως δεν τα βλεπω καλα τα πραγματα.

Ειχαμε τις πυρκαγιες, εχουμε τις πλημμυρες...δεν ξερω πώς θα βρει κουραγιο ο κοσμος να αντιμετωπισει αυτες τις καταστασεις και ολες τις συνεπειες που επιφερουν. Ειναι απλα τραγικο.

έφθασε στο σημείο να επιρρίψει ευθύνες στην Ελλάδα, για την παγκόσμια έκταση που έχει πάρει το θέμα

ναι λογικά η Ελλάδα ευθύνεται και όχι το γεγονός ότι κατάφεραν να κλαπούν ~2000 εκθέματα..τι "πλάκα" που έχουν κι αυτοί οι Βρετανοί

I came up with it when I created my second acc on Reddit; I didn't want to spend time thinking of a username so I just thought of the first two words that described my mood at the time and went with it. It means "melancholic potato", I like how dumb it sounds

[–] 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Turns out many middle eastern toilets can’t handle toilet paper.

scratch Reddit. TIL that this is not a European thing but rather an exception for some countries only. We're not supposed to throw toilet paper in the toilet in Greece either, oh well

that's for sure haha!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

3 posts and 68 comments, nothing crazy yet

[–] 37 points 1 year ago (4 children)

coffee for sure

right?! To be honest I was almost certain it would bore me pretty fast, but I was pleasantly surprised and found myself intrigued from start to finish. Everything about it is great!

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I forgot Lemmy users can't see who upvoted/downvoted something (votes are still visible in Kbin)

I've noticed there are people who just spam with downvotes for no reason (downvoting a certain community's posts, downvoting all comments under a post, downvoting all posts/comments made by someone they may not like etc), it's pretty weird

He named Teslas models (in order of release) S, 3, X

that's the corniest thing ever omg..


I've been using Opera for a few years now and I've been enjoying its features, UI and everything. However, I (surprisingly to me) haven't noticed many people mentioning it. Also, when I was on Reddit and mentioned that I use it I got downvoted which left me somewhat confused haha.

So I'm wondering if there's anything wrong with it and/or if I should give another browser a go (I noticed Firefox is mentioned a lot on here)


I've been using Opera for a few years now, ever since my brother recommended it to me, and I've been enjoying its features, UI and everything. However, I (surprisingly to me) haven't noticed many people mentioning it. Also, when I was on Reddit and mentioned that I use it I got downvoted which left me somewhat confused haha.

So I'm wondering if there's anything wrong with it and/or if I should give another browser a go (I noticed Firefox is mentioned a ton on here)


Μολις ειδα την ανακοινωση των mods. Απο τη μια το φανταζομουν οτι θα ανοιξει παλι καποια στιγμη, απο την αλλη ειμαι λιγο απογοητευμενη που δεν αναφερθηκαν ποτε οι κοινοτητες μας εδω. Ποιες ειναι οι σκεψεις σας για την αποφαση τους;

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