So the marker for possession ي is pronounced similar to the i like the i in sit? Are all possessive markers attached to the end of a word? (No need to go into depth if that's gunna be a later lesson)
joined 3 days ago
These are fantastic photos! The Mao head is so dramatic against the night sky
thats why you gotta fart to keep homeostasis
Last in the mega but you're first in my heart <3
uhhh were they accompanied by any drink or just straight up
are the Scooby gang cops?
i just skipped past that screen and went straight to cats
blight was banned for 17 hours for posting the word beanis repeatedly in the comm
amazing bit and I'm so peeved i didn't think of jt first
It isn't quite yet in the millions:
Allowing for a day since the article was published and for Americans already set up on the platform, it's probably around a mil.