It's always the police who write up what you say, then they ask you to sign it. They wrote up what she said and she signed it. The following day she wrote a long letter saying that she didn't think it was true because she's been under duress. That is why the conviction for slander has been quoshed and this new trial is now happening.
She may well have 'retrieved' a false memory because the police were haranguing her about some texts with Lumumba but it was a lot more than her mentioning his name in passing. She signed two confessions saying that she had been in another room of the house while Lumumba murdered Meredith. Those confessions are considered inadmissible. This trial is about whether she did, in fact, slander him or whether it was entirely due to police pressure.
Did you read the article this thread is about?
Why do you think she accused Rudy Guede? No one has ever said she accused him.
She's appealing a conviction for slandering him. Her grounds for appeal are that the police bullied the confession out of her.
He spent two weeks in jail and had to abandon his business and his hometown because of it.
When investigators looked at all the communication on Knox's phone, they found a text that she says was a response to Lumumba, telling him that she would see him later and that she hoped he had a nice evening. Kox accused investigators of confusing and coercing her during the interrogation, with them allegedly insisting to her that the text was instead confirmation of a plan to meet with Lumumba later. Knox now maintains that she was forced to recall a false memory that she and Lumumba were both at the apartment the night that Kercher died, when, she says, that was not the case.
Lumumba was arrested and held for two weeks, based on the comments Knox made while in custody. Eventually, a man who had been drinking at the bar came forward, saying that Lumumba was there all night and that they had talked, giving Lumumba an alibi. Lumumba, who is Congolese, was released once the alibi put him at his bar at the time the crime took place.
I didn't say they were. But people should be aware of who they are giving their clicks to.
She's a transphobic piece of shit who abuses the concept of intersectionality to claim eternal victimhood for middle-class white women. Empty-brained narcissist.
Yes. I never said any different. It was adopted as a descriptor by gay men, not bigots trying to denigrate them.
If his story is true, his DNA would be found all over the place. His story being: they were making out, he didn't flush the toilet, he fought off the attackers, and he tried to help Meredith before getting scared and running away.
I'm offering the kindest explanation for Knox falsely accusing a Black man. The other is that she saw a Black man at the scene.
It's a confused tangle of evidence, for sure. But there are approximately two Black men in Perugia and she falsely accused the one who wasn't there. It sticks in my craw, even if the most obvious explanation is that she is an American white woman and falsely accusing Black men is part of her heritage.
You don't have to be an Italian for that advice to be good.