Brother, the country was more of a "powder keg" in the 60s and it still didn't happen. Americans (Chuds mainly) talk a big game about civil war, but in the end the vast majority are too comfortable (And as another commenter aptly pointed out: lazy) to actually put their money where their mouth is and their lives on the line.
If it didn't happen in 2020, it's not gonna happen now
Osmosis Jones 2: Peace in the Middle Ear
Scrambles the Death Dealer
A more worthy memorial than most tbh
Yes, was using "thought" as shorthand.
Was going to say. When he explicitly said what he wanted to do, the bot reacted very negatively. It was only after he started using a euphemism that things seemingly changed.
The bot likely thought, and meant, for him to "come home" literally, like he was leaving to the store or something.
he puts love in every batch
It's like the senate from the Star Wars prequels
I love how there wasn't even an escalation, just 1 to 11 immediately lol