I joined this server after collecting a few hundred of their releases in the community over the summer time months and then I found them here! best quality encodes and no trash to boost numbers like adding 20,000 foreign movies and 20,000 documentaries both many decades old which seems to be a popular tactic with all the servers i have tried. Also this is a local storage library, meaning it wont ever be taken offline like all the cloud ones. I had a bunch of those and they all kept making new servers and I would have to rejoin them all and then install emby and then switch again. cloud servers are NOT in control of their library data. your service may be taken away at any time when they lose their cloud accounts. this happened to me too many times and i got fed up with it. you all know what i'm talking about with these cloud storage libraries. I found this the worst part dealing with cloud server libraries, especially recently now that plex is banning many of the cloud servers. INFINITY library overall is carefully curated by talented encoders in the scene community and since they provide their own releases I know what to expect every time! Hope this helps someone lol take the free trial and check it out. definitely price wise though, you can not find ANYTHING cheaper elsewhere. i have looked. everywhere!
joined 1 year ago
did not have time for a review last month but its pretty short.... for the $10usd price tag it is definitely not the best choice in my opinion. it has less content then many i have tried out this year and there is no real value with this place as they have no encoders here. sadly this is simply just another expensive torrent library.