
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

honestly agree. let me go wild with character creation.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Their games aren't strictly single player, though. They're designed with the idea that co-op partners or hostile players can drop in and out at any time. Pausing doesn't quite work with that model.

then give me the ability to turn that shit off.

I don't want to be invaded. I don't want to be exploring a part of the map and have all my progress reset because "DickSucker420" invades me and fucks me up with his maxed out weapons.

I like it because it prevents you from cheesing the game Skyrim style by pausing, eating a dozen wheels of cheese, and becoming extremely hard to kill.

but FromSoft games don't have anything like that so idk what benefits pausing would bring except pausing the game which is the whole reason people want it.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

that was one of my favourite features of that game. it was so nice being able to pause a cutscene and be able to look at who is who instead of having to Google them to remember what happened since the last time I played and risk spoilers.

what I also loved about it was how the relationship tree could be toggled for each chapter to see how certain character's allegiances and friendships changed as the story progressed.