
joined 3 years ago
[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Meanwhile the GDR purged the absolute fuck out of anyone attached to the nazi government.

For more info, read page from 10 on here:

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

In the 1950s more than 77% of all West German judges and justice ministry officials were "former" nazis, which is an even higher percentage than during the actual Third Reich itself:


During Adenauer’s tenure he:

1- knowingly appointed multitudes of "former" nazis into government positions such as ministers, ambassadors, judges, police, secretaries, etc.

2- banned all socialists / communists from public service

3- outlawed the Communist Party of Germany (KPD), the Free German Youth organisation (FDJ), the Federation of Victims of Fascism (VVN) and the German-Soviet Friendship Society(DSFS)

4- passed a special amendment to the constitution (Ausfuhrungs-Gesetz zu Artikel 131 des Grundgesetzes) that gave all former nazis, apart from the few top culpable individuals, the right to return to their posts in the public service. This effectively ended West Germany’s pursuit of prosecuting Nazis.

5- remilitarized West Germany by having it join NATO.

6- opposed and prevented the reunification of Germany.

7- reinstated and continued the Nazi’s persecution of communists with arrests and imprisonment. By the mid-1960s, around 250,000 judicial investigations had been undertaken against suspected communists. Of these, around 10,000 were actually imprisoned.

8- extended this program to include socialists, those opposed to a remilitarisation of Germany, and members of organisations working to promote diplomatic ties with the GDR.

9- funded the Schnez-Truppe, an illegal clandestine paramilitary organisation formed by veterans of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS. Growing it from 2,000 members initially to at least 40,000 at its peak

These are just some highlights, there is so much more.

Denazification didn't actually happen in the west.

Concrete examples of this + sources in the comments.

[–] 2 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago)

China has plenty of its own social issues with queer / LGBTQ+ rights (eg gay marriage still being illegal) and is not always going to line up with our own cultural indicators either.

Understanding the context involved with a policy like this allows us to critique it more clearly than the very generalized take on it we’re seeing from most western press.

Given our media’s vested interest in attacking China from any angle they can, I think it’s healthy to not take these stories at face value when they’re first presented to us.

Our country is trying very hard to manufacture consent for this latest cold war and none of us are immune to propaganda.

[–] 0 points 3 years ago (2 children)

If I remember correctly, the “effeminacy” thing China has been gunning against isn’t about gender expression as much as “idol culture”. I’ll see if I can find the threads I was reading on that from a queer activist in China.

As is typical, the western media happily jumped on trying to use this as a propaganda angle. The thread I was reading had some criticism of other policies because China isn’t a utopia, but it was pretty clear on the intent there.

Edit: Found it. Thread on the topic from our comrades over at r/GenZedong.

Another twitter thread on the topic.

Hexbear thread from Alaskaball

submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by to c/

Use this on your OC and let’s get the word out!

Updated version from @wtypstanaccount04.



! is a union / labour organizing specific comm.

Any syndicalist comrades who want to work with me on this comm are also welcome. DM me and we’ll figure it out.

Hexers, what kind of content / resources do you want to see in c/labour? I'm thinking guides, news, pro-union art, propaganda, and memes.

Let's make one big comm for one big union.

:iww: :sabo: :big-bill:.

[–] 1 points 3 years ago

the horrible scary thing just happens to be white people/ racism

way fucking scarier than other monsters tbh

[–] 1 points 3 years ago

I thought the movie was good shit, but I also loved the abrupt and jarring tone shift. I love that it was disorienting for the audience as it was for the main character.


Labor unions today: "we'll help you organize and take the legal steps to get fair treatment."

Labor unions in 1912: "take this rifle. If your boss doesn't comply with our demands, shoot him and blow up his mansion."

One of these two approaches gets immediate results.