
joined 7 months ago
[–] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 6 points 2 months ago

he's the only one who can.

[–] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 43 points 2 months ago

no but i think he's a pedophile

[–] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 24 points 2 months ago

theres a podcast?

[–] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 42 points 2 months ago (4 children)

lmao calm down firefox is fine

[–] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 12 points 2 months ago (8 children)

wasnt it a different guy with the same name who made the donation?

[–] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 19 points 2 months ago

that sounds based though

[–] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 13 points 2 months ago

Can't argue with that logic!

[–] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 19 points 2 months ago

That's actually a picture of him as a baby

[–] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 18 points 2 months ago

macron's going to be doing bidens job tonight


your highlights from the comments, as always:


OK who let the DNC get a lemmy.world account

Sorry, it can’t be tankies all day every day.

lemmy.world is of course famous for its high ML population, unlike the liberal website hexbear

Clinton is one of the worst. The party went, can’t beat 'em, might as well join em.

Clinton essentially fulfilled some of the great Republican dreams of deregulation. See Glass-Stegall how he joined hands with Republicans. Which you can then fast forward to the banking and financial crisis that hit the world and screwed economies and brought austerity programs worldwide.

Dare ya to read up on all the congressional stock trading from not just Repubs but very much Dems as well.

The party went fully corporate with Clinton.

It’s not the 90s anymore. Right now the most pro-union president in history is running against a literal fascist.

I’m convinced that Lemmy is riddled with Russian bot farms trying to stir up shit. I’m mostly democrat and believe Biden is a net good over Trump, but I won’t delude myself into thinking they care about me personally. How-fucking-ever, Trump is a literal threat to our democracy and if we can’t rally against him by rallying for Biden, we’re absolutely fucked. And you morons are just giving into this extreme lefty rhetoric because of people like Hasan? That mother fucker is a millionaire and lives like one too.

Lemmy is a worse echo chamber than reddit. I was proud when I came here during the API-bullshit and supported Sync for Lemmy but I can’t do this shit any more. I’m actually embarrassed to come here and read all this anti Biden shit while you guys complain about roe v wade being overturned, billionaires (which trump made the biggest tax cuts in history to), Israel (which is somehow Biden’s fault? 🤣).

I believe this post, OP. Whether you’re trolling or not. Everyone else can go fuck yourselves. Go ahead and ban this one too, mods. Since we’re not living in an echo chamber.

It’s just so exhausting, right? Im with you 100% on this.

Suppose we survive Trump, 60-40 ish. Who comes next? Is every future election going to be a fight to keep democracy?

so close.

Don’t be blind… Every President gets more money for rich people in some way or another. Some just also try to help the little man sometimes.

All presidents kinda suck…you can’t get to that level of power without some compromise of character

liberals actually believe this and think they live in the worlds greatest democracy

Don’t forget Obama’s work on a 2015 stimulus for the international Doctors without Borders program that allowed the construction of a brand new hospital in Kunduz, saving countless lives!

For more information, Google “2015 Kunduz Doctors without Borders”


Ok but this is not balanced because you didn’t list all the great things Trump has in store:

- The definitive end of democracy
- ww3
- all money that’s left goes to billionaires
- hopefully the end of humanity
- Nobody left to incriminate him with anything
- huge wins
- nobody has ever seen wins such as this

anybody? Hello?

if liberals actually believed this they'd illegal-to-say

Don’t forget Bush the First, the former director of the CIA and his mad desire to run shadow wars to disrupt democracy in other countries in the name of American corporate interests

well thank god no other president has done anything like that

some decent comments but they're drowned out by liberalism as seen above.



Get a grip guys dont wait for your government to act. I've sent hundreds of parts to Ukraine if you want to contribute and have a 3d printer let me know I'll help set you up. I have a bunch of 3d printers and pallets of filament coming in. Logistics is the main bitch but that's something I worry about if you decide to work with me and are in the US. If you are in EU most of your countries have hubs I can give an adress to and help you ship your prints. I mostly specialize in miscellaneous drone parts.

You are not powerless western man despite all the bullshit you are told.

they also ask for volunteer fighters. you can also sign up

If Russia wins, it will be because the West allowed it to happen or is too cowardly to take decisive action. There's no way Russia can win any war where the collective west is serious about defeating them.

So, what exactly the flying f*ck are we doing?

Letting it happen is what we are doing. USA is the military factory of NATO and it went AWOL. Europe cannot magically grow factories that it doesn't have and USA isn't sending what it has in storage and queue to receive new stuff from US factory is around 5 years if you order today. Get used to the thought that we let Russians get what they want.

They want all of Europe.

Why can't the EU buy 1000 stored Bradleys from the US and send to Ukraine? And air defence. We've waited for the US to get the promised aid going for six months already, it's about time we did something about it. Also, the US should get their shit together.

The us should get OUR shit together? We’re literally the only reason Ukraine hasn’t been bulldozed. How about Europe steps up?

[ableism I'm not going to repeat here]

Ramp up aid. What's taking so long? We can do more!

did you donate today?

same old shit, but it's still good for a laugh


excellent thread all around. excellent work from our comrades on lemmygrad. thank you to our mod for putting up the firewall between us and lemm.ee

some highlights

I haven’t only read Wikipedia, I’ve read things such as interviews from former Chinese citizens saying that Google was banned, and on their search engine the tiennamen square never existed. Also, how is China becoming more communist? The government getting profits from wage-slavery isn’t becoming more communist, it’s becoming the center of capitalism. Even if the government weren’t making direct profits from wage-labor, they still make profits from things like taxes and corporations buying land. When the government is making profits from capitalism, they won’t go socialist.

You do know the Tiennamen square is the literal most famous place in China right? It’s the place where there is this super famous building that is one of the country’s symbol and that almost every content about China ever can’t help but have at least one picture of.

So saying that the name of the place is censored in China is completely ridiculous.

As pointed out by others, the event that you are referring to is known in China as the june 4th incident so yes, of course if you type Tiennamen in the search bar you won’t find it, when you look up something on a non-english website maybe try to look up how the thing you’re looking for is called in the site’s language instead of assuming it’s called the same way in english you westernbrained monkey.

Why do you enjoy sucking your own dick?

Because I don’t have the reading comprehension skills of a fucking carrot.

Why do you not have the reading comprehension of a fucking carrot?

Marx said that the state was inherently oppressive. But I guess I missed the part where he said that it doesn’t matter if the party brands itself as communist.

If you bake a cake and you have this magnificent idea in your head; do you gather all the ingredients and then presto magic you have a beautiful cake in front of you? Or is there some sort of process that’s missing? Some sort of transitionary period?

There’s a reason it’s called Marxist-Leninism too, older works can be superseded or reanalyzed by newer works in a more refined context.

Baking doesn’t cook down the ingredients and claim it’s heating them up.

In that case, why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?

You could call any machine anything, yet it doesn’t become the thing.

Yes it does. A name inherently defines the characteristics of whatever it’s being used for. For example, the names your mother calls me during sex defines the intrinsic nature of our relationship, that is me being the oppressive dom authority figure (because I’m a tankie), and her the submissive proletariat.

Marx said that the state was inherently oppressive. But I guess I missed the part where he said that it doesn’t matter if the party brands itself as communist.

Where did he say that? Can you quote the passage?

The executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie.

-the Communist manifesto

Where in that quote does it say that, to use your words, ‘the state was inherently oppressive’?

While this quote does not encapsulate marx’s entire view on the state, it shows that Marx sees that the state is bourgeois and therefore antagonistic to the proletariat.

chatgpt answer if I’ve ever seen one.

The state is inherently antagonistic to the proletariat, because their controlling society gives rise to them creating their own class within the bourgeoisie.

Ehhhhhhhht wrong. What did Engles say about the state in On Authority? There’s literally a whole ass book called State and Revolution that you definitely haven’t read.

Lol “creating their own class within the bourgeoisie” 😭 I bet the smug was on a milli when you typed that out

Power = authority is wild. Was freeing slaves authoritarian because the majority didn’t support it?


I personally view [freedom of a populace] as that if you can’t allow people to see other viewpoints, then material conditions don’t matter. As John Stuart Mill said in On Liberty, the person’s ability to choose for themself is more important than an alleged better living condition. Furthermore, I see that if China were so much better, they would let their people see the alternative. By not letting their people see something they allege is worse, they prove it is better.

Said by someone who has never really been hungry,

Ha yes, I’m sure having fucking google make the homeless in NY city sooo much better off than the peoples living in nice cheap apartments in Beijing. Tell me you’ve never been poor without telling me you’ve never been poor. 🤡

Again, I do not argue for capitalism, I agree with Stalin on this quote. I’m saying that I can go into whatever forum I want, and say that Joe Biden is committing genocide, and I don’t disappear, I don’t “kill myself” in my hotel room. I’m not defending capitalism, as I am a communist. The condition in which the worker lives is irreconcilable the universal liberty, however if China is socialism, in terms of liberty, they would be the same. I believe that socialism could be so much better. I believe that China could be so much better and it will be someday. But the state will not allow it.

You have to be a troll. But - you’re a pretty funny one. A Boeing whistleblower ‘killed himself in a hotel room’ literally just last week. You can yell at Joe Biden however much you want, he’s still gonna commit genocide without blinking.

for context, the Stalin quote: "It is difficult for me to imagine what ‘personal liberty’ is enjoyed by an unemployed person, who goes about hungry, and cannot find employment. Real liberty can exist only where exploitation has been abolished, where there is no oppression of some by others, where there is no unemployment and poverty, where a man is not haunted by the fear of being tomorrow deprived of work, of home and of bread. Only in such a society is real, and not paper, personal and every other liberty possible" (https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1936/03/01.htm)

Let me simplify it for you. It doesn’t matter if they allegedly have better material conditions when they can’t view information contrary to the state.

Hey y’all it doesn’t matter if you lift billions of people out of poverty and they never have to worry about certain material conditions and therefore improve their quality of life, what makes a society better is being able to “view information contrary to the state”.

“This society is great. I’m glad every source is monitored by the Chinese government, that’s how you know they’re factual.”

This but unironically

do check out the full thread, as always our comrades on lemmygrad are both intelligent and graceful. order-of-lenin


you're either with us or against us. sus-soviet


some highlights (you've been warned)

I don’t begrudge the people who don’t want to vote for him. For those who see their vote as support and complicity, I understand the reluctance. If Biden suddenly said fuck gay and trans people tomorrow, I would not be a happy camper. I would not be happy voting for a politician who hates gay people and deny them their rights.

But I would still do it. And I hope everyone who doesn’t want to vote for him still comes around in November to reluctantly do so.

I honestly don't even know what to say about this one... liberalism means voting against gay marriage for the sake of preserving the liberal democracy that... ends gay marriage...

Maybe I’m just getting old, but I have no problem seeing the vast difference between the two choices we’re going to be given in November.

No matter how much the children in the room piss and moan, there are realistically only two choices - 3rd party candidates only exist to spoil it for whomever they’re ideologically closer to of the two “real” candidates. Furthermore, Biden has turned out better than I expected - and I’m a Bernie Sanders kinda guy!

smuglord the grownups in the room have to make the hard choices and get shit done

Absolutely [I would vote for Joe Brandon]. There’s no other reasonable option. There are other options. None of them are reasonable.

commiting genocide makes you a reasonable option

And let’s not forget the right-wing trolls that shill the propaganda that feed the leftists rhetoric.

the anti-facists are the real nazis

Man I just want to vote for a better candidate not strategically vote so the worst one doesn’t get elected. Why tf isn’t Trump in jail yet

a lib gets so close to understanding

Sometimes life is about making the least worse decision rather than the best one.

and liberals can't help themselves maybe-later-kiddo

I vote for Pedro

this lib teleported in from 2004. one of the more reasonable comments too

Imagine how cool it would be if the choice was not between Donald Trump and Joe Biden but instead between Gavin Newsom and Nikki Haley.

i can't do this anymore even the libs downvoted this one I'll let you enjoy the rest... if you dare

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