Looked like a huge upgrade to action RPGs at the time (mocapped combat that had some of the more deliberate limitations as Dark Souls ended up having such as weapons bouncing off walls) with the same sort of lore as you'd expect in open world RPGs.
Original company went under while developing it, the game was acquired by a second company, and then they went under too. Literally cancelled twice due to bankruptcy.
EDIT - Just looked it up. Seems the original Devs bought some bits of it back in 2015 to make the game and then that disappeared too. Three times this fucking thing didn't get made.
"I shouldn't go that way."
"I probably shouldn't do that."
"It would be wrong to do that."
"I'll just put that back."
Don't make it a fucking option if you're going to reverse my decision, especially in an RPG.
There's a path in Finally Fantasy X that you come up at one point in Besaid. You can't go back down that path ever again, with the character turning around on their own and running back the way they came. Seeing that path in Final Fantasy X-2 I headed toward it, only to hit an invisible wall. The path only exists as a usable entity for that one moment in one of the two games that feature that area. They could easily have made it a higher path that you jump down to the main area from, giving no way to go back, but they left a way to go back and refused to let you use it for the vast majority of two games.