Honorable mention - the soundtrack to Fight Club exudes the same corporate desperation, without the cyber elements.
joined 2 years ago
I have three moods:
The tuned Arch bike, for general use (and the necessary tight cornering because of the minimap not doing minimap things...
Delamain Jr, for when I need extra guilt about crashing into things...
And the Beast, for when that guilt passes and I want to plow through that which deigns to be in my way.
"It's MY turn to say BEEP BEEP, MOTHERFUCKER!"
Metroid 2, because there's a reason there have been so many fanmade remakes of it...
But I also dug Ultima Runes of Virtue 2... If you ignore the canon. Superior to the SNES version IMO.
Mysterium was also nifty.