Unlimited tower falling on the trans.
I'd kick all of your asses in swimming.
Same here.
sad (dysphoria I guess?)
I hate feeling like a boy. And that's how I feel right now. And bitter, very bitter.
I don't know what to say that isn't needlessly shitty to you, especially because I really do appreciate you.
I hope you're right and I am able to afford it one day.
self hate
Another fun thing to admit, I am actually a deeply bitter and shitty person!
if this comment is shitty it's because I feel shitty, not you. Cw suicide.
Yesterday (day before yesterday?) I literally said I'd shoot myself if I could. I've publicly fantasized about killing myself. Of course people would have a reason to exhaturate shit to make me feel better. What, would you want to tell this self harming mess she's right and will always feel like her genitals are fucked? I fucking wouldn't.
Fwiw, I actually hadn't spiraled when I made the original comment.
I'm actually definitely not going to say my full thoughts, not because I care about you all but it hurts too much to actually type all those thoughts out.
ATTENTION: Comfy trans girl getting very eepy, may eep soon.