Same, its nice.
Shaving arms is great, I'm a fan.
Yea, and usually I do too. I'm not sure if it was a better mic, or if I was just in a particularly self accepting mood, but uh, yea. Hope this comfy feeling can stick around
voice dysphoria thoughts
I heard a recording of myself last night and my voice isn't as deep or bad as it sounds internally? Still don't like it or anything but maybe its not as bad as I fear sometimes... still hard to talk though.
Yaknow I always thought of myself more as a catgirl but this person makes some good arguments
Thank you, my sex ed didn't cover much so this is good to know.
Wow that is a hell of a scene. I should watch the full movie some time, haven't watched a good horror movie in a while.
Thank you, I actually do feel better now. Trying to be introspective about things.