Eww! No I don't! Take it back!
Prediction: Starbucks resolves the issue by raising all "milk" product prices to match the most expensive option.
I'm here to collect.
"Service guarantees citizenship."
This whole discussion feels like nobody watched ENT.
The Federation exists because Archer was such a fantastic mediator. Add in his rapport with T'Pol and Shran, and his willingness to die in the place of a Tellarite ambassador, and it's little wonder he was able to knit the beginnings of this alliance together.
I really got an Archer vibe from Pike in "Spock Amok" (SNW S01E05), when he dealt with the R'ongovians.
Yeah, that's pretty true.
The implication is that if Trump wins, he won't be leaving in 4 years. He won't be leaving until death. Because that's what dictators do.
I can see the argument from a certain perspective of the language, outside of context.
But remember when this amendment was passed. Right after the Civil War.
So, they wanted an amendment to bar traitors from federal office. Then they put in a section saying Congress has to actually make laws enforcing that rule, or it does nothing. And then, they didn't make any such laws?!
So, what, they went through all the work to make a constitutional amendment, and then it does nothing?
No, they clearly felt that the rule was clear enough as it was, and section 5 is there to allow Congress to make supporting laws built upon that to help enforce that rule. But that rule should have teeth on its own.
To be fair to Worf, Riker also adopted a kid ("Jean Luc", the alien with the psychic holodeck powers), and promptly forgot about him forever.
Sure, Squeak...
I think the problem is inflation and stagnant wages. When you get paid a living wage, but a teacher is making peanuts, it feels wrong.
It's not that you are getting paid too much. It's that most people are being paid too little.