Not every game needs to be a sprawling open world adventure that has 100+ hours of side content which consists of collecting items, climbing towers, and performing fetch quests, with inventory + state management, and color coded diablo loot. Games are so bloated now. Only 20/100 hours is actually fun story content.
Whenever I buy one of these games now, I am committed to only playing the main story and a few pieces of side content that interest me. Fuck everything else. Pretty said when a lot of peoples game of the years this year are the resident evil 4 and dead space remakes, updated versions of 10 year old game. I think people are just aching for a linear experience.
Is the PC connected to the internet?
If not, I would pick one of my favorite long games like Elden Ring or one of the fall outs.
If it was connected to the internet then I would probably pick a multiplayer game like counterstrike, WoW, or elder scrolls online