I could do that, what's the problem ?
I propose flooding hamas' tunnel networks with sea water...
Remember what an alpha is ? In video games, it's the first release, extra rough, not yet full clean of a game. It's the test version.
So I propose that we call "alpha males" ... "the test version".
No one misses when McCain was saying of Obama "He is a good guy." ? Couldn't it be good today ?
As a part of "the rest of the world" I say you clearly : no. I don't want Trump nor Gilead. I prefer corporate America other that.
As a non-American, I beg you, get rid of Trump. You're the most powerful country in the world, your election has so much impact outside your borders, we are looking at it and are expecting...
What happens in November ? We don't know and it's kinda scary...
Do you suggest men/women/humans NEED guns ?
Because I don't need one. I feel perfectly fine without one.
You're dreaming a bit too much there, sorry.
Il y a beaucoup d'endroits comme ca.
You can bet genetic engineering has reached a level where you can sterilize your whole army without a concern.
So soldiers fucking like rabbits ? Maybe. All genders ? Maybe, we have no idea whether there were women onboard. BUt did they get pregnant ? Why bother ?
Article 36 – Violence sexuelle, y compris le viol 1 Les Parties prennent les mesures législatives ou autres nécessaires pour ériger en infraction pénale, lorsqu’ils sont commis intentionnellement: a la pénétration vaginale, anale ou orale non consentie
Ah, infraction sexuelle. Pas crime. Un viol c'est classé comme un crime pourtant. Non ?
It's good you're able to talk sanely about it.
It's simply a subject of personal autonomy and body integrity.
Imagine being a grown man or just a teenager and being forced to perform that operation without your consent nor any explanation (as it's mostly useless out of social norms and potentially harmful). I guess you'd be furious, at least.
That's it.