What's going on, just got home and we are ahead? What time line is this!
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Well it was fun while it lasted
2 shots guys...not on target. Just 2 shots...
Sorry, but that's what you get when you just lie down in front of the oppositions goal Rashford
Just saw the highlights...1v1, half a step ahead of Walker, and he flops down?! Wtf man!!
We're f'd, aren't we? I'm OK with losing 1-0, as long as it keeps City close with Liverpool so those guys don't win the title.
Look how far we've fallen. LOL At least, me, I mean.
We are shit, and I've come to the conclusion that ETH isn't the guy who is going to pull us out.
Keeper had no chance on that one from Rashford. Superb goal!
You can see the confidence is so much higher in the team now too
Enjoying my Sunday.