Is it common to find pistol grips? I would think I would want to turn that into the authorities since it could be connected to a crime.
Magnet Fishing
Community for general chit chat about magnet fishing, as well as a place to post your cool finds!
Posts from all parts of the world are welcome!
I think it depends where you live, but it's definitely not common around here. It had been down there a long time so won't be linked to anything recent. The reality is that the police would probably just take it off me and not do anything with it, and to be honest I don't feel particularly inclined to help the police with any investigation at the moment since they refused to even look at the CCTV of my roof tent being stolen just over a week ago.
It's a work of art already - the pistol grip is the winner so far.
I only dropped in to say I love your username. Also cool board, how would one get started in magnet fishing? What happens if you larch onto something too big to haul out
Thanks. All you really need to get started at a minimum is a magnet, a rope and some protective gloves. I use Magnetar for my magnets and I use their ropes too.
I've not lost a magnet yet but I have resorted to using my car to pull it out on two occasions now, and I bought a hand winch in case I ever can't pull it out and I can't get my car near. Both times I think the magnet was wedged rather than just magnetised to something, a good yank can overcome even the strongest fishing magnet.
You've done a really good job of putting that together, and it looks ace. I hope to see it again in future, when you've got some new treasure to add :)
Thanks! I'm looking forward to filling it up and perhaps adding labels to things I can identify and date