I failed the geography quiz question.
Zanzibar is a Tanzanian archipelago off the coast of East Africa.
The world’s #1 planet!
A community for the discussion of the environment, climate change, ecology, sustainability, nature, and pictures of cute wild animals.
Socialism is the only path out of the global ecological crisis.
I failed the geography quiz question.
Zanzibar is a Tanzanian archipelago off the coast of East Africa.
It was also the capital of Oman for some time in the 19th century
For a long time I thought it was the coast of Tanzania lol
I'd say this is a good reason to sleep in the trees but these things can climb
Still not as bad as the deadly poisonous Zanzibar hamsters
Fucking Half life 2 poison headcrab
Some high quality chitin right there
Animals That Make You Hear Combat Music