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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/cloudrunner69 on 2024-01-18 11:00:39+00:00.
It's crazy to think that you have lived your entire life in a certain way within a place that mostly has always looked the same. Not much has really changed. The buildings are the same, the people we interact with are the same, cars, buses, trains, clothing, the food you eat the way you work etc etc etc. For all sense and purposes it has been this way for as long as you can remember, your parents lived like this and their parents and theirs, it is quite unimaginable to think that everything you know could suddenly change into something unrecognizable almost overnight. It is truly beyond believable that all that you know could just disappear.
But of course this can happen. We know it can happen because it has happened many times before. It has just probably never happened to you. Look at people like the Australian Aborigines, the Native Americans, The Natives of South America. Their world changed into something they had never thought possible right before their eyes. One day they where all living the same way as they had been for hundreds if not thousands of years and then the next day it was all gone. Horses, boats, trains, different clothing and materials, methods of construction, weaponry and the many different machines. It happened to them and now it is about to happen to us.
We have no idea what is coming, just as those cultures the Europeans colonized had no idea what was coming across the oceans towards them. They couldn't stop them for their technology was vastly superior. We will be assimilated into what is coming towards us just as they where assimilated into the new world. And there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop it.